Six young people file a climate lawsuit against 33 European countries - Green Ecologist

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Youth against climate change

If anyone thought that today's teens go through everything, first; you should look at your navel and remember the youth - too soon we forget - and, secondly, you directly live on another planet.

There are thousands of initiatives promoted by young people in all areas and, without a doubt, one of the most recognized by young people is the problem of climate change and what will become of their future in the face of rather hostile prospects.

Of course, the Covid-19 crisis has not made the climate emergency and environmental issues go away. Remember the article published on the drastic drop in air pollution in Europe due to the epidemic (COVID 19), especially when we were all at home.

The climate change remains the greatest threat to humanity And the need for a radical transition away from fossil fuels is as urgent as ever. And the science is clear: European governments are still not doing enough.

This is where six young Portuguese people come in, determined to change the future of entire generations; bend European countries to start digging deeper into deep cuts in their carbon emissions.

The idea is simple … "Argue that inappropriate cuts in emissions violate their human rights" and, from here, a climate lawsuit in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg against 33 European countries for not taking adequate measures.

the lawsuit argues that inappropriate emissions cuts violate human rights

But… What is the objective of this case? The objective is seek a legally binding decision from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) requiring Europe's governments to take the urgent measures necessary to stop the climate crisis.

The document presented to the court (See document HERE), traces another pressure point on governments that are ignoring the agreements signed to combat climate change, knowing that the decisions of the ECHR have the power to provoke significant changes in the policies of the European governments.

This is the first climate change case to be brought before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg, France. If admissible, it could set an important precedent, showing the way for other climate judgments based on human rights arguments to emerge.

The Demand falls on the 27 European Member States, as well as the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine, for ignoring and not complying with the climate agreements signed in recent years.

The complaint stems from the lethal forest fires that occurred in Portugal in 2022 (they killed more than 120 people) and initial investigations that linked the intensity of the fire in 2022 with global warming (Reference article for consultation in Nature).

Since 2022 they have been with the litigation. First, in the Portuguese courts, and this past week, presenting it to the European Court of Human Rights, including, at the time, a Crowdfunding campaign (fundraising) to pay for the financial outlay.

According to the document that supports the demand (Consult HERE) made by Climate Analytics … "The lawyers will argue that none of the plans of the 33 countries is aligned with their commitment under the Paris Agreement to limit the increase in global temperature, well below 2ºC".

The lawyers in the case are seeking a court order for the countries to further reduce their emissions, both in the Portuguese country and abroad, in accordance with the stricter 1.5ºC warming limit of the Paris Pact.

If the lawsuit is successful, the defendant nations would be legally obliged to increase the reduction of fossil fuel emissions.

As we can read in this article with expert opinions, and, in short, they will have a thousand and one obstacles on the possibilities of success. Although for us, it is already a great success that we can publish this news on our blog. We can learn more about the initiative and answer questions on the official website from Youth4climatejustice.

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