The giant wave that has become the best advertising campaign - Green Ecologist

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Big advertising

When half the world is still secluded at home, the advertising agencies have to make an effort so that their campaigns cross borders. All seek visual impact and stand out from the competition, but obviously not all will have the desired impact.

Combining creativity and cutting-edge technology is almost always synonymous with success, and the creative agency D’Strict, specialized in visual arts, knows that very well.

The D’Strict agency has been using the led technology as a central point to explore your advertising campaigns which are usually on large facades of commercial premises and buildings, but, this time, they have been overcome.

The Gangnam-Gu area in Seoul is the Korean version of the famous Times Square. Large LED screens flood the facades of buildings with hundreds of ads relentlessly, and among all the advertising tangle is the COEX building which houses the largest visual screen in South Korea.

In the following video, it seems that the force of the water is about to break the glassor and flood the empty streets. The installation is complemented by an audio that generates an almost perfect immersion experience …

A 80 meter wide and 23 meter high screen wraps around the building COEX with the advertising trends of the moment. That's where the work of D’Strict to amaze passersby with a optical illusion of a huge wave hitting the building, the projectWave.

The visual technique used by D’Strict is called anamorphosis, which, leaving aside the software that allows it to apply, in reality, we are before an optical illusion based on a technique dating back to the Renaissance. Anamorphic is a distorted projection that is revealed once the observer occupies a specific point of view (See article of interest urbanism and architecture with parametric design).

Rigorous application of this principle has been used to create waves. Some "real waves" that are projected on giant screens crashing against the glass causing passers-by to feel as if they were about to be knocked over by a wave.

The screen that makes this spectacular vision possible uses Samsung SMART LED Signage technology. A screen that supports a resolution of 7,840 X 1,952 pixels, which is almost twice the resolution of UHD. With a high refresh rate of 49.920Hz, it displays smooth and even images without distortion (See article how to optimize image quality). High resolution and clear content rendering is perfect for displaying 3D ads.

The gigantic screen of the COEX building is a prominent project of the Seoul authorities, it was built two years ago, with the aim to help increase the value of the Seoul brand through the development and promotion of the city as a "Global milestone for digital media". The construction of the screen took several months and we can see it in the following video:

Of course, there is no doubt that if they continue to carry out advertising campaigns of this magnitude, those who pass through Seoul will have to make a mandatory stop in front of the building.

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