How to understand the types of structures in architecture by playing - Green Ecologist

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Types of structures in architecture

I still remember when I played the subject of calculation of structures in the architecture career, sweats everywhere when the calculations of efforts and moments began. Crazy! And even less, if you could not imagine or visualize the types of structures that they gave you in the exercise.

The architectural principles are quite abstract. Buildings that seem to stand upright based on "magic", when in fact even the simplest ones stand upright based on a combination of structural principles combined (beams, columns, trusses, retaining walls, etc.), difficult to explain in words, for example, the structure of a geodesic dome.

Well, an architect had the excellent idea to help us understand how structures work in architecture and what movements or efforts can act on them by means of a fabulous "toy".

We are talking about Mola Structural Kit. It is an interactive physical model that simulates the behavior of architectural structures. And although a few years ago we could already see it on the Internet, it is now, when it begins to commercialize.

The structure game It is made up of a set of modulated pieces that are connected by magnetism, allowing numerous combinations.

With simple and small elements, you can study, experiment and learn the behavior of structures (See article of interest earthquake damage). They can be assembled, disassembled in parts, built different structures and actually, do a lot of cool things based on one structural construction.

In short, with this frame kits we can build, visualize the movements and deformations of its elements having a sensory experience of the behavior of the structures using our own hands.

Two sets and complementary pieces are going to be commercialized; Mola Structural Kit 1 and 2. We can see them in the following image:

Mola Structural Kit 1. It is made up of 122 pieces + Book / Manual. With this set you can build more than 100 different structural arrangements and visualize many situations related to structural concepts.

The Mola 1 manual is a bilingual practical guide (Portuguese / English) that contains explanations about the parts and the assembly processes, as well as a series of examples of structural and framework systems presented in a clear and didactic way. You can put creativity to use and immediately simulate a structural system.

The Mola Structural Kit 2 is composed of 145 pieces + Book / Manual. Here there are already more pieces with complex structural elements where we can build more difficult building frames.

In the following video in Spanish you can understand more about this game for structures …

Definitely the idea seems great to us to understand the world of structures, which can undoubtedly become very complex. As usual! There is a, but, and in this case we place it in the price, which although it is not exorbitant, just over € 100, it can be an impediment for many users or teachers in the field of architecture, engineers or structures.

You can access the official page to see more features and buy it from Molamodel.

And remember that technological advances are making robotics come into force, and we can verify this in two articles; Structures armed with robots and robots assembling wooden structures. Impressive!

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