Cultivating the virgin vine

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To gender Parthenocissus diverse belong climbing plants provided with deciduous and lignified tendrils, which are grown for their deep green foliage, which takes on beautiful reddish tones in autumn.

The virginia creeper, as the virgin vine, It has compound leaves, that is to say, formed by independent pieces called leaflets. According to the number of these we have Parthenocissus quinquefolia, with five for each leaf, which needs a trellis to hold onto and Parthenocissus tricuspidata, with three leaflets, that climbs the surfaces without help.

Characteristics of the virgin vine

The virgin vine grows vigorously and rapidly, which is why it is often used for cover facades and walls. In addition, it provides shade and coolness on the hottest days of summer. We can cover with it pergolas, lattices, sheds and any other structure or let it spread over the ground as a plant cover.

Although it comes from North America, China and Japan, it adapts very well to all climates and requires only a well-drained soil to prevent fungi from taking over it.

Basic care of the virgin vine

Although it admits the sun, the color of the leaves gains in intensity if it is in semi-shade or even full shade. It is ideal for planting on a wall facing north or east. Its planting can be done both in autumn and spring.

We will place it in deep holes, 50 by 50 centimeters, to which it is convenient to add mulch, decomposed organic matter or compost so that it settles more easily after transplanting.

Prune the virgin vine

The virgin vine is a plant that, at first, does not need much pruning. In the first years it is advisable to cut some shoots to stimulate the growth of branches and to ensure that the wall is covered evenly.

Once established you just have to trim it from time to time, at any time of the year, to control its exuberant growth and prevent it from invading window or door frames. We will try not to prune even the old woody branches, because they will hardly produce new shoots.

We must be careful to detach from the supports only those stems that we are going to discard since, once detached, they cannot be held at the same point.

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