Noise pollution affects fish

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Like almost all living things, fish make sounds to communicate, orient themselves, search for food, and avoid predators, so outside noise can distract them from their vital functions. Although it may seem otherwise, the oceans are no longer the haven of peace as they once were. The noise pollution produced by man increasingly affects marine species. Various investigations have warned that the noises emitted by boats mislead marine mammals such as whales and dolphins, even reaching cause his death.

The noise in the fish

Recently, the effects of noise from boats, oil and gas platforms on fish have been analyzed and it has been shown that it affects them as much as vehicle traffic affects terrestrial animals. Thus, human-made sound may be masking important biological sounds and endangering their reproduction and survival.

Noise pollution is no longer just a problem in big cities, now it can mislead animals and take them away from the best areas to find food or reproduce. But in addition, it also causes them stress, which in turn can negatively affect their growth. Everyone complains about air pollution or waste that is thrown into rivers, but noise is something that can kill itself.

The most affected species

What are the most affected species? Well, a great variety of fish, although not all make sounds. Scientists have listed some 800 species with hearing sensitivity. Among the best known are perch, herring or cod. On the other hand, some also believe that the eel has the ability to emit and perceive sounds, but it has not yet been confirmed.

In general, fish are best at detecting sounds in the 30 to 1000 Hz range, although some marine species can do so in the 3,000 Hz to 5,000 Hz range. The clearest example is the Atlantic cod which has a hearing sensitivity. medium while goldfish or red fish are able to hear at high frequencies. While tuna do worse in noisy and try to take refuge in other areas, so at the same time it makes fishing more complicated.

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