What are forest fires and how do they occur

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Forest fires are those that take place in forest areas. They represent some of the most damaging fires that can take place, since, being located in wild areas, they affect a large part of animal and plant species. In addition, due to the high amount of flammable material that accumulates, they are fires that spread very easily. If you want to delve a little deeper into what are forest fires and how do they occur, keep reading Green Ecologist and we will tell you.

What are forest fires

Forest fires are the forest fires. This type of fire is especially virulent since there is a large amount of wood and leaves, the fire tends to spread rapidly. In addition, because it is in non-urbanized areas, access for firefighters is more difficult than when fires take place in urban centers. To which must be added the fact that the forests do not have water intakes, so we are faced with one of the most difficult fires to extinguish in every sense.

On the other hand, it should also be mentioned that forest fires constitute by far the most damaging fires for the environment. This is because they lead to the destruction of large areas of high ecological value, such as forests. Forests are very complex ecosystems and, in many cases, they are protected environments due to their high biodiversity. In this way, forest fires destroy ecosystems integers in a matter of minutes. Also, one of the problems with these fires is that they take many years to clear up. Consider that, when a fire occurs in an urban area, damaged buildings can usually be repaired with the action of man. On the contrary, in the case of a forest fire, although reforestation work can be carried out, the effects will not be visible for several decades. When the planted trees have grown to adult trees.

How Wildfires Happen

There are various causes behind forest fires, both natural and man-made. In the case of natural causes, as can be the high temperatures or the action of lightning, these are rare causes. In fact, the most common is that forest fires are carried out by the man action. Whether it is a imprudence (make a bonfire or throw a cigarette butt), as if it were a deliberate action (action of arsonists or economic interests behind the fire), we are facing a very dangerous situation that can end up completely destroying the forest ecosystem.

One of the aspects that must be taken into account when fires occur is how dry the forest itself is. Because of this, most wildfires take place in the summer. At this time several factors come together. On the one hand, after spring, the scrub vegetation that has grown in the ground, which makes the fire can be spread easily. On the other hand, high temperatures and dryness of the environment makes this spring greenery burn easily. In this way, most forest fires are located in the warm seasons. Especially during the hottest months in the summer.

How to prevent forest fires

There are several ways to prevent forest fires. First of all, it is essential that each person who goes to the forest is responsible and avoid potentially dangerous situations. In this sense, it is essential:

  • Avoid making bonfires or barbecues in natural settings
  • Avoid throwing out cigarette butts.
  • Avoid throwing bottles or glasses that can make a magnifying glass effect in the woods.

On the other hand, it is also essential that the forest maintenance carry out their work correctly. It is very important not only the surveillance of possible outbreaks of fires, but also the work of forestry prevention. Indeed, abundant vegetation can facilitate the spread of forest fires. For this reason, it is very important that these teams carry out tasks to eliminate dry vegetation during the summer, freeing the soils of the low scrub forests that catch on easily.

In addition, it is also essential that the institutions adopt forceful measures against forest fires. On the one hand, it is very important that they be implemented laws to protect burned forests so that they cannot be reclassified as developable land after a fire. Likewise, it is also essential to carry out the corresponding investigations and pertinent sanctions against arsonists.

Finally, another of the fundamental aspects for the prevention of forest fires involves the awareness and education of the population. In this way, the whole of society will contribute to their protection, which will make it easier to avoid risk situations in most cases.

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