Difference between organic, ecological and biological - find out here

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Many times when talking about a certain product we use terms such as ecological, biological or organic interchangeably and they really have similar meanings, but they are not synonymous. A study reveals that more than 60% of Spaniards refer to these concepts as synonyms, and therefore interchangeable, which is a mistake. In this Green Ecologist article, we clarify the meanings of these three words and what is the difference between organic, ecological and biological. Take notes to know how to use them correctly.

What is an organic product

These products tell us that no chemical products have been used in its production, pesticides or chemical fertilizers. They are products that can have an especially good effect on the health of those people with certain intolerances or allergies to certain chemicals, and in some cases, they are also totally respectful with the environment. It should be noted that this does not mean that they are Bio products, since although they do not use certain chemical products in their preparation, they can be made with genetically modified products, as occurs with sweets from some fruits or the grapes from certain wines.

Thus, some of the characteristics of organic crops are:

  • Contribute to maintaining and increasing the fertility of a soil.
  • Use crop rotation.
  • Prevent erosion and loss of life of the subsoil.
  • Help maintain the purity of groundwater.

An example of the use of organic products is organic cotton T-shirt companies or those that produce different totally organic food products, such as apple cider vinegar or the apples themselves.

What is an ecological product

Are those products that develop all their growth stages naturally in the soil and whether to use any artificial products in its production. Organic products are equally Respectful towards the environment. Products that are organic, receive a ecological certificate which guarantees:

  • Use of good environmental practices.
  • Make the most of natural resources.
  • Apply very strict regulations that guarantee animal and plant well-being to the maximum.
  • Use of renewable resources.

For example, for a vegetable or vegetable to be considered organic, its seeds must also be organic, as well as decontaminated soil or water. In addition, the natural conditions of the soil or climate should be used and no chemical fertilizers or pesticides should be used. For livestock production, the animal is raised in areas that are free of contamination, they are fed with organic food and neither growth hormones nor antibiotics are used.

An example of marketing organic products They are the companies that commercialize natural and ecological makeup, apart from many food ones.

What is a biological product

They are those products that do not have no component that has undergone genetic alteration processes in the laboratory, as can happen with some fruits or vegetables to improve their color, volume or conservation. These products with the biological seal or bio seal are characterized by:

  • Choose to use natural selection processes of the species.
  • Contribute to the increase of genetic diversity, using the natural reproductive cycle of the species.
  • Contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity.

An example of companies from products with the biological seal There are many of those that commercialize food, but only those that are really organically produced and that comply with the laws receive this seal.

Conclusion on organic, ecological and biological products

Products that belong to these three groups They must bear the terms "ecological", "biological" or "organic" on their labeling. and the name of the entity, public or private, that certifies it. This is how the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) tells us. In addition, organic products produced in Europe, specifically bear a seal that are produced in the European Union.

The law only allows organic products to have a maximum, up to 5% of ingredients that come from Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). At the consumer price level, this is higher than conventional products, because the production costs of these products are higher, they have lower productivities and their distribution is more limited, which justifies their higher price. At the regulatory level, the law is the same for the three groups of products, being in Europe the European Regulation 834/2007 which regulates them.

There are other names at the European level, but they are not regulated, so they can be misleading. For example, the term natural is used in almost all products and can be misleading.

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