Great green inventions for the home

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Today we present a series of ecological objects and appliances to incorporate into our home. With them, we will not only be minimizing our environmental footprint and helping to harm the planet less, but they will end up making our lives much more practical. Do you want to know what they are? Keep reading this Green Ecologist article and discover great green inventions for the home.

The Gota Portable Dishwasher

One of the great inventions in terms of home appliances, as it comes loaded with advantages. When we see it, it seems so small that we judge it impossible that it can fulfill its function, but then we realize that it is very effective, in addition to that it will hardly rob us of space in the kitchen. Clean plates, glasses and cutlery using the steam wash, but also recycle water after each wash in its own tank for future use.

Rechargeable batteries so as not to pollute excessively

No more accumulating mountains of used batteries and always worrying about buying new ones. It is much less polluting and simple use rechargeable batteries that, even if they cost a little more, they will make your life easier and you will be avoiding the environment the damage that all the dangerous metals that are used in the manufacture of batteries do to it. And remember that appliances that don't use batteries are a great option for the future.

Solar mobile charger, the definitive solution to low battery mobiles

Exist! With this solar charger, the nightmare of seeing how our mobile has 3% battery just the day we wait for that important call and go crazy looking for a plug is over. The only thing you need is put the plug in the sun and you can recharge your phone whenever you need it.

Solar speakers that will harmonize picnic evenings

One of the big problems when we have a picnic or barbecue with friends is the question of where to plug in the speakers to play music. Some brands have already designed these solar powered speakers and they tell you how you should position them to make the best use of the sun's rays.

The eco-friendly kettle, called EcoKettle

Kettles are very practical at home to cook, to prepare a coffee or an infusion, but many times we use energy to heat a large amount of water and we only need a small part of it. This kettle allows us to select the estimated amount of water that we are going to use and thus just heat what is necessary, allowing the rest to be stored comfortably inside for future occasions.

The recycled cork chairs, to give a unique touch to your home

With the set of recycled cork chairs we will be giving a very interesting natural decorative point to our house while using a very sustainable material.

Cutting board made from recycled materials

A way to make your kitchen a much more respectful place with the environment, at the same time that you get a complete, solid and made cutting board made from paper, cork and other recycled materials. They come in many designs and sizes and you won't have to worry, because they won't be damaged by many times you wash them in the dishwasher or by hand.

The candles and solar lanterns, to illuminate your nights

Can you imagine a candle that never burns out? It's possible! These are artifacts that are recharge during the day with solar energy to work at night, lighting up your family or romantic evenings. They have an autonomy of almost ten hours and many come with a rechargeable battery included, in case you need additional power. You will also find them in many different colors, which will allow you to make the environment much more special, without emitting any type of carbon dioxide. They are already sold in the market from 5 euros.

Biodegradable pots, ecological botany

If you like to decorate your home with flowers or plant vegetables or aromatic herbs at home, these biodegradable pots will surely be very useful for you. They are made of recycled material that decomposes in a few months. Say goodbye to the plastic ones!

Ecological shower head, to save on water without giving up the pleasure of a good shower

A hot shower is a pleasure, which however we can continue to enjoy without wasting unnecessary amounts of water, even reusing it. A model that gives very good results is EcoVéa, which has a system in the base that detects if the water is very dirty (in which case it sends it to the drain), or if it can still be reused, so that filters it, purifies it, and reuses it. Large amounts of water can be saved with this model.

On the other hand, the Ecoflow shower, from the Waterpik brand, is also an ecological option with great health benefits, as it contains germanium and tourmaline. It is designed for the relaxation of the buyer, so that it allows eight different positions (soft, stop, standard, normal, turbo, massage, spa and spray) to make your showers a relaxing experience, but taking care of the environment.

Shower timer to know how much water we use when washing

It is a very simple device, but highly effective, since it allows us to know how long we are in the shower and, most importantly, it makes it possible to calculate how many liters of water we spend in each shower and the amount we can save each month by spending just one minute less under it.

With this device, we will realize how simple it is to save a little water on the planet and how easy it is to save on our water and heating bills. If you do not have it yet, you will easily find it in specialized stores, DIY or on the Internet, for a low price. It will be great fun to write down who spends less in the family and to realize our progress in having a much more responsible behavior in the shower.

Low consumption LED bulbs, the most flattering light polluting less

Although it is very likely that you already have these bulbs installed in all or most of your house, it should be remembered how important it is to bet on energy efficient lighting, leaving aside the incandescent and fluorescent lamps that, in addition, give us a very annoying light for the eyes.

By replacing traditional light bulbs with LED lamps we are saving a very significant amount of carbon and energy emissions into the atmosphere. Fortunately, more and more of us have realized the advantage of installing this model of bulbs and they are already available in most stores and drugstores, in many models and sizes. As if that were not enough, LED bulbs last much longer, so we will not be obliged to replace the bulbs in use so often.

The dryer

This brand has created a hair dryer that gives us all the results and benefits of other models in its range, of reputed fame, but using only half the electricity than other dryers. The device is responsible for optimizing the cycle of air emitted in such a way that we need less energy to make it work and for said air to come out hot.

The eco-friendly bath mat that will make you feel like you're stepping on grass when you get out of the shower

It is a bath mat with such an innovative design that it is made of moss in its upper part and a foam that never rots or becomes ugly, so you can have it in your bathroom without fear of bad smells. It is totally ecological and will give a natural touch to your bathroom, plus experts say that walking on the grass is very good for blood circulation.

The paper recycler for offices and offices

Although this wonderful machine was made more for office use, if we work at home it could be a great idea to incorporate into our office, especially if we use large amounts of paper. It is a compact recycler called PaperLab, from the Japanese brand Epson, which can create new sheets from used paper without using a drop of water. The best thing is that it allows us to create the type of folios, with the color and thickness that we need, according to our will. It's blazingly fast, producing 14 standard sheets per minute and about 6,720 sheets in an eight-hour shift.

Its operation is based on the following: first the machine breaks the used folios into small strips, then the whitening process begins (during which colorants can be added to the paper, if we want it in a different tone) and then it is carried out carry out a pressure process to return the folio that the user wants. It was one of the most innovative products at the Eco-Products 2015 fair.

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