Use of bacteria as agricultural biofertilizers

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Use the bacteria As a compost, it revolutionizes the use of fertilizers, even making chemicals unnecessary. Its use and research as promoters of plant growth are carried out in a specific way, taking into account the findings made on different bacteria. Its use allows new ways to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, tremendously harmful to the environment and incompatible with organic farming. On this occasion, progress has been made in the study of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which would reduce the need for nitrogen fertilizers in sugarcane cultivation.

A for total replacement

Thus, as complement of the traditional fertilizationThese bacteria would act as biofertilizers, although the ultimate goal would be their total replacement. With the intention of making this feasible, researchers from the University of Queensland continue to study the potential of this bacterium, called Burkholderia australis.

His interest in her, on the other hand, is due to the great agricultural activity of the cultivation of sugar cane in Australia, one of the largest sugar suppliers in the world, with Queensland being the main producing region.

As is known, bacteria use nitrogen in the air to produce nitrogen compounds that are very useful to plants as compost. It is through this idea that culture receives the nutrients in a healthier way for the plant, the environment and the consumer.

Synthetic products

Specific, Australian researchers They have discovered a new species of bacteria that would have the virtue of overcoming the problems normally associated with the artificial fertilizers used. Its use would allow not only to save money, since they are much cheaper than the synthetic products, in addition to preventing pollution problems that come as a result of runoff.

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