What is the transformation of nature by man with examples

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Humans have changed, and continue to change, nature according to our convenience to meet our needs and we have taken advantage of natural resources such as water, wood, plants, land and land. We could say that like any other animal that uses the elements of its environment to have a shelter, get food, etc., but really the human being is the being that has modified nature the most at will and that has exceeded the limits of needs. basic, getting to abuse what the nature of this planet offers us.

In Green Ecologist we explain what is the transformation of nature by man with examples, to be able to analyze both its positive side and the negative impact it has.

What is the transformation of nature by man, its advantages and disadvantages

The transformation of nature by humans It is the set of changes that we make in it. Humans from practically all our lives have taken everything we need to survive and, for a long time, also to have a better quality of life and live better by having advances in society, technology, and so on.

So, if you wonder what it is to transform nature, think that explained in a simple way this means take natural resources to use them for our benefit and change the natural landscape for another with humanized elements, in lesser or greater quantity. Therefore, a rural landscape, in which there are a few simple houses, is a slightly modified natural landscape, while an urban landscape, such as large cities, is very transformed or may even be totally transformed and no longer see a trace of nature. that had been in that area before.

It is clear that the modification or transformation of nature by man has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that humans get shelter or housing, food, communication, etc., on the other hand, the disadvantages are all those that imply the wear and tear of the planet at an accelerated rate, that is, there is much more pollution, a large amount of vegetation is lost, animals lose their habitats and are displaced or become extinct, there is more loss of biodiversity, etc., all this implies that there are also fewer and fewer natural resources useful to humans. Therefore, we ourselves by improving our well-being and lifestyle, beyond the survival of the species, we are harming ourselves and having no long-term future, thus damaging the planet.

There are a large number of human activities that modify the landscape, as we will see below with various examples of transformation of nature by man.

Examples of landscapes transformed by man

How are natural landscapes transformed? It is true that all animals do it to a greater or lesser extent, but without a doubt human beings modify the landscape or nature in a unique way. Sadly, the more time passes we transform nature to a greater extent and more seriously, to the point of reaching overexploitation of human resources and to the pollution of the entire planet in many different ways. This means that the survival of the planet becomes more and more complicated and, therefore, that of all living beings, including humans.

Therefore, when in doubt about how natural landscapes are transformed, we can say that all living beings have something to do with the transformation of nature. In fact, the planet itself is changingSince it goes through times of glaciations, through others of high temperatures, mountains, rivers and other bodies of water are created and others are destroyed, all naturally being normally a slow process. In addition, there are also natural phenomena that modify the natural landscape, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc. But the only being that constantly and increasingly transforms the environment and the environment is the human being, as we have already told, and these are some clear examples of man-made landscapes, both on land and in sky and sea.

  • The towns and villages.
  • Medium-sized cities.
  • Large cities, such as New York or Tokyo, are the example of the extreme transformation of nature.
  • Power plants such as hydro, wind power mills, nuclear power plants, tidal power, and so on.
  • The reservoirs and dams.
  • Factories and factories.
  • Mining, deforestation or logging, industrial fishing, and so on.
  • Bridges, roads, highways, and train tracks.
  • Communication lines, both telephone and Internet.
  • The fields for agriculture, livestock and land for construction.
  • The large number of planes in the sky.
  • The large number of ships in the seas and oceans.
  • The artificial islands.

How the natural landscape is transformed to rural and urban

To explain how the human being transforms the natural landscape, we will keep in mind the other types of common landscapes, which are those created by man, that is, rural landscape and urban landscape.

In the rural landscape we speak of a natural place little modified, since there are few houses and few businesses, such as a town, so there are no large buildings or a large number of communication networks.

The urban landscape, on the other hand, is a city landscape, either smaller or larger, so that this area, which was previously a natural landscape, we humans transform into a place full of totally human elements such as large buildings, roads, streets, etc.

Thus, man takes from nature the resource he needs for each situation. To transform nature, natural elements are first removed from the area, such as trees and rocks among others, and after preparing the land, construction begins, thus changing the natural landscape for the humanized landscape.

Learn more about how humans affect the environment with this other Green Ecologist article that deals with How society affects the environment.

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