Cow leg tree care

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Known as cow's leg, it is a tree that is scientifically called Bauhinia forficata and that belongs to the genre Bauhinia, composed of about 200 species of shrubs and trees that have their origin in tropical zones from any continent. Among the best known species are the bauhinia forficata (which we will talk about in this article), bauhinia natalensis, bauhinia augusti Y bauhinia purpurea, among others.

Basic care of the cow leg tree

Next we are going to tell you how to take care of a cowfoot tree in an optimal and perfect way so that it grows and lasts:

  • Utilization: It is usually used in gardens as isolated specimens, and also on walks. It stands out for its medicinal properties, especially as a diuretic and hypoglycemic agent.
  • Location: you need to be in a place with full sun.
  • Temperatures: the only requirement in this sense is that it does not withstand frost, so the best is at least a temperate temperature throughout the year.
  • I usually: it is not very demanding in this regard, although it prefers one that is light, fertile and with good drainage.
  • Irrigation: it should be moderate since it does not need a lot of water, so let the surface dry completely between watering and watering so that there is no risk of waterlogging.
  • Pruning: you can make one after flowering to get thicker and more beautiful specimens.
  • Pass: the annual garden fertilizer will suffice.
  • Multiplication: it can be done by layering, by seeds (spring) or by cuttings (end of summer).

Characteristics of the

The species bauhinia forficata It has its origin in Southamerica, although with the right conditions it can be grown anywhere in the world. It is also known as false mahogany or orchid tree.

It is a tree that usually exceed 5 meters in height and that it has lobed leaves that look like cow's hooves, hence its name. Its flowers are white and large, with a great resemblance to orchids.

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