5 PEACH DISEASES, treatments and how to prevent them - Practical guide

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If you are a lover of fruit trees, in Ecologist Verde, we are going to explain how to treat and recognize some of the peach diseases or peach tree. These diseases are accused of different factors such as pathogenic fungi and bacteria that affect the plant in a generalized way, producing different symptoms. Some of these are easy to see and recognize such as necrotic spots, wrinkled leaves, and bad fruit. Fruit trees in general, in addition to the peach tree, are also very susceptible to contracting pests due to their juicy fruits that attract all kinds of insects that are harmful to their growth. Therefore, at the end of this article, you will also find some of the pests that fruit trees usually have and, specifically, the peach tree.

So if you are interested in fruit trees, keep reading this article about 5 diseases of the peach tree, their treatments and how to prevent them.

Monilinia laxa or monilinia

This is one of the most common diseases in fruit trees that produce stone fruits or drupes. Main symptoms of Monilinia laxa or monilinia in the peach tree is that you will be able to distinguish it if you see that a powder appears or mold on peaches whitish in color. In addition, if it is not treated quickly, it can also cause cankers on the branches and shoots, as well as defoliation or premature fruit drop.

Even when it begins to develop, it creates a gummy effect, due to the exudation that it produces when the fresh parts of the tree are infected. We recommend you use ecological fungicides containing copper or sulfur before spring arrives since, like most pests and diseases, monilia appears when temperatures rise. Here we tell you how to make homemade fungicides for fruit trees. It is also not a bad idea to carry out a preventive pruning to aerate the crown and favor the entry of light to avoid high humidity concentrations in the tree.

Podosphaera pannosa or powdery mildew

As in the previous case, the one commonly known as powdery mildew or Podosphaera pannosa, is other of the peach tree diseases, or rather typical of stone fruit trees, since it affects a variety of trees and also other plants.

Specifically, this disease mainly affects the leaves, which end up covered in white powder and taking a curl appearance that hinders the tree's ability to properly photosynthesize. For this reason, the plant weakens and ends up affecting the production of new fruits. The best way to prevent this disease is to remove the affected parts or do a preventive pruning before spring. If it appears, it is best to use ecological fungicides. Also, here you can learn more about how to combat powdery mildew with home remedies.

Stigmina Carpophila or screening

Although it is also known as pellet, due to the similar appearance that the leaves take on due to the disease, the Stigmia Carpophila or screening It comes from a fungus that affects not only the leaves but also the buds and even the flowers.

The best way to recognize it is by observing those rounded marks that, in addition, necrotize the edge until creating a hole. A natural way to avoid this peach disease is to ensure that the tree does not have excess moisture.

Taphrina deformans or dent

This type of fungus appears during the spring, just when the plant begins to move a greater amount of sap again. Also known as leaf leprosy, the dent or Taphrina deformans It is also very easy to identify, since it begins with a clear hypertrophy of the leaves. Later it also affects their coloring and even dries them.

The result is a defoliation and, therefore, a strong weakening of the tree. In this case we also recommend that you use ecological fungicides during winter, specifically those containing copper or sulfur.

Xanthomona arboricola pv pruni or black spot

The black spot disease is caused by a bacteriaXanthomona arboricola pv pruni) that especially affects the peach tree. It begins with a premature and very severe defoliation so it is very easy to recognize. This causes the plant to weaken and as a result the fruits have spots, they are very small and not very edible. It also presents other symptoms such as spots on the leaves or yellowing before the fall. In addition, the fruits can also present cracks that, if not treated with fungicides, can end up in rottenness before even reaching the maturity stage of the fruit.

How to avoid peach tree diseases

After listing the most common peach diseases It is easy to conclude that the best way to avoid future illnesses is to carry out a preventive treatment with organic fungicides and one pruning during winter.

The latter is highly recommended because, in addition to improving the crown and favoring the growth of new and stronger branches, we will avoid creating spaces where moisture is concentrated. That the branches are well aerated before spring begins and, therefore, the flowering season, is one of the simplest and easiest natural methods to apply to combat these diseases that are so harmful to fruit trees.

Peach tree pests

Next, we show you some of the most common pests of peaches:

Panonychus ulmi and Tetranychus urticae

These two species of Mites They are very polyphagous and tend to attack, above all, shoots and leaves. The bites of these mites cause, in case of not treating them in time, the weakening of the plant, especially leaving the peach tree without leaves.

Ceratitis capitata

Commonly known as fruit fly, it usually appears when temperatures begin to rise in spring. This pest mainly affects the fruits of the peach tree. The fly places the eggs inside the peaches that can no longer be eaten.

Myzus persicae

The peach aphids are another of the most common pests of the peach tree, especially species such as Myzus persicae Y Brachycaudus swchartzi. These aphids measure between 1.5 and 3 mm and also cause damage to the plant through direct bites on the leaves, mainly. These bites end up secreting molasses that increases the risk of diseases such as bold.

Now that you know these few pests but especially the main diseases of peach trees, we advise you to learn about How to germinate a peach seed and plant it and How to grow potted fruit trees with these other Green Ecologist articles.

If you want to read more articles similar to Peach tree diseases, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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