COLOR SUCCULENTS: How to Grow Them - Practical Guide

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The use of cacti and succulents in the decoration of our homes is becoming more and more common. Even less experienced gardeners find that these hardy plants require very little care and that they can beautify any home with their distinctive and eye-catching shapes with little effort. In this regard, the colorful succulents deserve special mention, which with their vivid tones attract attention and give a unique touch to any corner.

However, making succulents change color is not so easy and requires a little more experience and, above all, attention and care. If you want to learn how to change succulents color and grow them, keep reading us in this Green Ecologist article.

How are colored succulents made

To the process of changing the color of a succulent it is usually called "stress the plant". The first thing we must clarify is that, although it is true that when the process is carried out properly and carefully it does not entail any serious damage to the plant, if conditions get out of control it can be damaged or even For this reason, it is very important to emphasize that you should not try to change the color of your succulents if you do not have time to monitor them properly.

That said, to make succulents change color, what is usually done is to replicate the conditions of their natural habitats, which are almost always more extreme. In this way, so that a succulent turns red we must stimulate its production of anthocyanins, which help protect against excess sun exposure. Therefore, it will suffice with expose it to the intense sun for more hours a day. However, you must be careful not to go overboard, in addition to ensuring that the plant has the necessary water and nutrients.

In a similar way, yeah the temperature drops Beyond the usual, some succulents will adopt shades of purple or blue. This can be very difficult to achieve in hot temperatures or tropical areas, but you should avoid overcooling the plant in artificial or drastic ways.

For this reason, it is common to see green succulents in the warm months, which turn red in summer or cold tones in winter. Drought and poor soils are also a cause of color change in them, but we advise against this practice as it is dangerous for plants.

Lastly, fertilization will prevent your succulents from changing color, so some prefer not to fertilize while the stressing process lasts. In any case, do not hesitate to fertilize them if it seems that their health is in danger, since this should always be your main priority, regardless of the color they take.

How to grow colorful succulents - care

Here's a practical care guide for growing colorful succulents:

Stress in colorful succulents

As we just said, stressing succulents can become a risky practice for your plants. To make sure you don't harm their health, never keep them stressed all year long, you just have to stress them for a few months. In addition, you must pay close attention to the condition of the plants on a daily basis. If you see that the leaves are wrinkled, appear burned or their tips or edges become black and dry, it is that you are damaging your plants by excessive stress. In that case, return to keep them in the most favorable condition you can.

Irrigation and substrate

Otherwise, colored succulents share the need of any other succulent. They require soils with very good drainage, if possible of mixed substrate and special for this type of plants, as well as specific fertilizers, which are usually applied in smaller quantities.

Excess moisture in succulents

Its main enemy is still excess water or humidity, which can cause rotting of its leaves or roots, so never overwater them and do so only when their substrate or soil is visibly dry. If you ever detect excess moisture in your plant, you can put it in the sun for several hours and even change part of the soil and improve drainage in this process.

Also, if you really like these types of plants and you want to grow them and have different ones or even start a business to supply them to gardening stores and similar places, do not hesitate to consult this other guide on How to reproduce succulents and grow them.

Types of colored succulents

Not all succulents can change color. In most cases, if you stress them without having informed yourself before, it is most likely that you will only be able to weaken the plant without changing its color.

These are some succulents that change color under stress conditions:

  • Kalanchoes
  • Euphorbias
  • Sedums
  • Aeonium
  • Echeverias
  • Crassulas
  • Aloes

Remember that the first thing is always plant healthSo pay close attention to all the signals it gives and interrupt the stressing process at the first sign of damage or weakness.

Here you can discover more types of succulent plants.

If you want to read more articles similar to Colorful succulents: how to grow them, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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