11 types of spring bulbs - Guide with names and care

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With the arrival of spring, it is time to not waste time and plant all those spring flower bulbs that will soon brighten up gardens and homes as soon as they begin to sprout in summer. Some examples are lilies, water lilies, gladioli, etc.

If you want to learn the names of these plants and some of their characteristics and care, and even how to plant spring bulbs, join us in this Green Ecologist article in which we discover 11 types of spring bulbs. Which one do you like the most?

Cane from the Indies

The Canna indica it is a perennial plant that has its origin in Central America. It is actually a rhizomatous species, although it is commonly referred to as a spring bulb. The leaves of the Indies cane They are large and elongated and can reach 3 meters in height. It has large inflorescences of warm tones that last until fall.


Is spring bulb plant, from the lily family and originating in the area of the Arab countries, it stands out for its beautiful bouquets of flowers with six petals in the shape of a star trumpet. Lilies The best known are those with white and scented flowers, but there are many colors, such as orange and red. At night is when its aroma is most intense.

Water lily

The also called creek is a bulbous plant of South African origin, which resprouts every year in mid-spring. The water lily is very fragrant, with funnel-shaped and usually white flowers, although it is also prized for its large, fleshy green leaves. It is very popular and in demand in flower arrangements.

Discover the care of the water lily or cove here.


The Hippeastrum are a genus with about 75 species, of the Amaryllidaceae family. The amaryllis They are perennial herbaceous plants up to 50 cm high, which we usually grow in pots. Its six-petalled flowers, with large trumpet-shaped stamens, are highly prized for their decorative value and cover a wide variety of colors and combinations. For all this, they are one of the types of spring bulbs most wanted to put in gardens and terraces.

We tell you the care of amaryllis in this gardening guide.


This genus of spring bulbs plants It is made up of species that vary between 60 and 180 cm in height. Gladioli They present their flowers in spikes, which can be of different colors even on the same plant, and which last well into autumn.

Learn what the care of gladioli is by reading this other post.


Tuberose is one of the bulbous plants very easy to grow, which can be planted both in outdoor soil and in pots. The Tuberous polianthes or Agave amica It is a perennial plant with a bulb and tuberous roots that can reach heights of up to 1 meter. Its flowers appear in spikes, up to almost half a meter, and have a slight funnel shape, white or pink in color.

Dondiego at night

The Mirabilis jalapa It is a species of American origin and is so hardy that it has become an invasive plant in some parts. The night maiden It reaches heights of just over a meter, with bright green leaves and very fragrant trunk-shaped flowers, in bright pink, red, yellow or white and even mixed tones. In not very cold environments, it lives all year round without losing its aerial part.

Learn about Morning Glory Care with this guide.


The crocosmia, also called montbretia, is actually a genus with 6 species of bulbous spring plants who are South African. Typically these spring plants are kept below a meter tall, with ribbon-shaped leaves and flowers in long spikes, which are warm in color. They bloom from late spring to late summer, depending on the weather.


Another of the ttypes of spring bulbs It is the dahlia, which offers one of the most spectacular and striking flowers, because it is difficult to miss with its large number of brightly colored petals, which can be of many colors, and its pleasant aroma. Dahlia It is a plant that requires a lot of sun and pruning to develop the large flowers for which it is so appreciated.

Learn more about Dahlia Care by entering here.

Tuberous begonia

It is a plant with a fleshy stem and in reddish tones and with flowers of up to 12 cm, in bright white, pink and other warm tones. The tuberous begonias Plants less than half a meter tall are very popular in pots and planters or in gardens in warm areas, protected from direct sun. Are spring bulbs plants, when they start to grow well and towards the end they can begin to flower, reaching bloom to the fullest in midsummer, and do not resist excess moisture.

We recommend you see this guide on Begonia Care.


The thrush or also called lily of the valley It is a small plant that produces very pretty white, shortened bell-shaped flowers. Is a spring bulb flower very fragrant, that grows in humid areas of vegetation and that, as a curiosity, in France it is customary to give on the day of May 1.

In this other article you will see the Care for lilies of the valley.

Spring bulb plant care

Spring bulbs are actually those that we plant during this season so that they bloom in summer. They are plants that, during the cold months, tend to let their aerial part die, but the bulb survives so that the following season it sprouts again. These are the main care of spring bulb plants, although each species may have specific needs:

  • Irrigation: avoid excess, especially during cold months. Never water the substrate, as the bulbs can rot. Water around the plant, not over it, and do so until the aerial part dries.
  • Substrate or soil: well drained and light, rich in organic matter. Worm castings are always a great option.
  • Subscriber: contribution of organic matter or fertilizer in the growing and flowering seasons.
  • Plantation: To plant a bulb, make a hole between 5 and 15 cm depending on the species to be planted (larger bulbs require greater depth) and add a small handful of humus or compost next to the bulb, always with the pointed part, which is where it will sprout, upwards. Then water abundantly around it, without puddling, and it only remains to wait.

Learn about more species with this other gardening guide on 15 bulb plants.

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