FLORA and FAUNA of BRAZIL - Names and photos

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Brazil, the largest country in South America, has the greatest biodiversity on the planet. It contains the largest number of known species of freshwater mammals and fish. In addition, it is the second country in the world with the greatest diversity of amphibians, the third in terms of bird diversity and the fourth in reptiles.

On the other hand, as far as the world of plants is concerned, it has more than 50 thousand species of trees and shrubs that fill the jungles and other ecosystems, thus becoming the country with the greatest plant diversity in the world. The total number of plant and animal species in Brazil is estimated to be approximately four million.

Let's continue to be surprised and get to know more about the flora and fauna of Brazil in this Green Ecologist article.

Characteristics of the ecosystems of Brazil

Brazil's climate is tropical And this has a great influence on the fact that this country has mega-diversity. Here we explain more about what is mega diversity and examples.

Thus, the different ecosystems of Brazil They are so varied due to their great territorial extension and their tropical climate, which is hot and humid. The Brazilian ecosystems are the following:

  • The Amazon (the largest tropical forest in the world and representing 80% of the Brazilian territory).
  • El Cerrado (with sheets).
  • The Atlantic Forest (the most outstanding tropical forest region).
  • La Caatinga (with arboreal, shrubby and herbaceous strata).
  • The Pantanal (with permeable alluvial soils in extensive plains).
  • La Pampa (one of the largest temperate grasslands in the world).

Next, we detail the typical plants and animals of Brazil found in these tropical ecosystems.

Flora of Brazil - typical plants

The vegetation in the river valleys and the Amazon basin is exuberant, in the highlands we find plants of the Euphorbiaceae family (one of the main sources of natural rubber in the country). In arid areas, cacti and other thorny plants are common, while mangroves, dwarf palms and palo trees Brazil (Caesalpinia echinata) grow in the coastal region

Other species of plants that are part of the flora of Brazil are:

  • Characteristic of the region, the Varagem ipê (Tababuia speciosa) is he national tree of Brazil. Its beautiful flowers are an intense yellow, flooding the streets of Rio de Janeiro where it blooms during the months of October.
  • Between the Brazil plants also highlights the carnauba wax palm (Copernicia prunifera), whose fan-shaped leaves are covered with wax, which is used by man for various purposes.
  • The cashew or cashew (Anacardium occidentale) is a tree native to Brazil that can live up to 30 years and reach seven meters in height.
  • Among the most showy flowers in the world, we find in Brazil the flower of the Passion (Passiflora caerulea). It is a climbing shrub whose beautiful flowers have numerous fine violet petals that form a crown, with five stamens and three pistils in the center.

In this other Green Ecologist post we show you much more about the Plants of the Amazon region, which includes a wide area of Brazil.

Fauna of Brazil - typical animals

The fauna of Brazil it is also extremely varied. We can find a great diversity of native bird species of the country, such as the following:

Birds of Brazil

The red thrush (Turdus rufiventris) is the national bird of Brazil, striking for the coloration of its plumage and for its melodious song. Worldwide known, the toucan touch (Ramphastos touched) is the largest species within the group of toucans, reaching 63 centimeters, with a beak of 20 centimeters. They inhabit the Brazilian rainforests in large flocks.

Mammals of Brazil

The amazon tapir (Tapirus terrestris), is a mammal evolutionarily related to horses and rhinos. It inhabits the Brazilian plains and its main predators are the Jaguars (Panthera onca), known by the name of jaguar among the local population. We can find more large Brazilian mammals, such as pumas, ocelots, foxes, anteaters, sloths and possums. As to the monkeysOf the 244 species classified in the world, 69 species inhabit the country.

Brazilian reptiles

Among the reptiles we find several species of alligators and snakes, especially the surucucú or mute rattlesnake (Lachesis muta), and the common green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), the largest snake in the world, which inhabits the basins of the Amazon River as it passes through Brazil.

Brazilian arthropods

As an arthropod to highlight, the pink salmon tarantula (Lasiodora Parahybana) lives in the northeast of the country and is considered the third largest tarantula in the world.

Here you can consult more about the Animals in danger of extinction in the Amazon, since most of them are also from Brazil.

Endemic species of Brazil

Among the species of endemic plants of Brazil quaresma stands outTibouchina grainy). This plant grows exclusively in the southeast of Brazil and has very showy purple flowers.

Regarding the animals of Brazil that are endemic, that is to say that we can only find in this corner of the planet, the Brazilian three-banded armadillo stands out (Tolypeutes tricinctus). The upper part of its body is covered by an armor composed of epidermal scales with keratin, which can be rolled into a ball. This armor creates a layer of air between the cover and the body of the animal that allows it to thermoregulate to survive in arid climates.

Also endemic to the area, we find the muriqui spider monkey (Brachyteles arachnoides). It is the largest species among the monkeys that inhabit the Americas. It has a black face and its tail is completely prehensile.

If you want to read more articles similar to Flora and fauna of Brazil, we recommend that you enter our Biodiversity category.

  • C. Groves et al. (2005). Mammal Species of the World (3rd edition). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University.
  • A. Meyer (2010). Brazil fauna. Recovered from: brazil.org.za
  • F. R. Melo & L. G. Dias (2005). Muriqui populations reported in the literature over the last 40 years. Neotropical Primates 13: 19-24.
  • Brazil, flora and fauna. Nations Encyclopedy.
  • Brazil publishes an inventory of its fauna with 116,000 species. Recovered from: EFE Verde.
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