Where to throw a bottle of butane - we'll tell you

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Butane gas is a supply that is sold in containers of different metals. These butane cylinders are made up of butane (mostly), propane gas, isobutane and ethane. In addition, a gas is added that gives it an unpleasant odor (for safety reasons). Given its content of dangerous and flammable gases, an empty butane cylinder must be disposed of in the appropriate places for treatment and recycling, as apart from being made up of metals it may contain traces of the gases.

In this Green Ecologist article, we talk about butane and about where to throw a bottle of butane already used.

Where to buy butane bottles

For buy butane bottles, the consumer should contact the cylinder supplier, indicating the number of cylinders you need and, the cylinder dealer, will take care of taking them directly to your home, although always with a few days difference between the order and the delivery, it is not usually immediate. For example, the main suppliers in Spain are Repsol, Cepsa, the Disa group (Canarias), Atlas Energy (Ceuta and Melilla) and Galp Energy.

An alternative, in the event that the client is not home time and cannot agree on a delivery day, is to collect them directly at service stations or gas stations. It must be borne in mind that both when contacting the supplier and purchasing at gas stations, it will be necessary to sign a contract with the supplier (if not available), which will have a cost for registering for the service and a deposit for the bottles purchased, which will be returned when the empty container is delivered. This contract may include maintenance and customer service, depending on the provider.

The price of butane cylinders is always the same, both by ordering it directly and by buying them at the supplier's service station. This is so, because the price of butane bottles is regulated by the government, although some distributors may apply a small cost for the delivery of bottles at home. However, the new Cepsa and Repsol cylinders have a liberalized price. In any case, the price usually oscillates around 14 euros, somewhat less in the case of the stainless steel butane cylinders.

Precautions when having a bottle of butane at home

Butane cylinders can be dangerous because they contain dangerous gases. To minimize these dangers, it is essential to carry out a suitable manipulation of the cylinder and to monitor that the state of maintenance of all the elements of the cylinder is optimal.

This includes carry out periodic reviews, never store cylinders in the vicinity of sources of heat or fire, do not store more than two cylinders and monitor the Expiry dates and the condition of the tires that carry the gas to the kitchens, heaters and other installations in the house.

Where to return empty butane bottles

Return of empty cylindersIt will only be necessary in case the customer wants to cancel the supply, when the cylinder has suffered some kind of damage and the container must be changed and the dealer must take care of it or if the contents of the cylinder have run out. Thus, it will only be necessary for consumers to return empty bottles when the supply is canceled, if it is a change of bottle because the content has run out or because it has suffered a breakdown, it will be a change of packaging and the delivery man will be in charge to do it.

When we have one at home that has been exhausted, we must bear in mind that never throw a bottle anywhere or into any container, as it can be dangerous, as they may not be completely empty of gases, nor can a cylinder be refilled. It is advisable to call the supplier of cylinders and the delivery man will go to the home to collect them. Another option would be to go directly to a supplier's warehouse and deliver the empty bottles.

In case of being a collection due to cancellation of the contract, the dealer will give us a receipt, where we will sign the cancellation and we can also collect the deposit that we paid when registering the service.

The fact of returning the empty bottles to the supplier does not entail any additional cost for the customer, nor does it cancel the contract with the butane distributor, the entire process is free.

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