Why is it important to recycle paper and cardboard

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Both paper and cardboard are two of the most common waste in most of the world's paper mills. In fact, it is estimated that, in Spain, 40% of the garbage we dispose of is cellulose, which is the main substance that makes up paper and cardboard. However, the use of this material has a considerable environmental impact. If you want to know why it is important to recycle paper and cardboard and what measures you can take in your day to day to reduce its consumption, keep reading Green Ecology and we will tell you about it.

What is paper

Paper is a material that it is made mainly from cellulose. Cellulose is a substance that is obtained from plant matter, mainly from trees. Cellulose is the main component of the membrane of the cells that make up plants and, to obtain it, it is necessary to crush large amounts of plant matter. Then, once the cellulose has been obtained, it is subjected to different treatments that allow the sheets of paper to be created. Depending on the type of paper to be produced, the methods will be of one type or another. However, most of the time, these will be processes that will include certain polluting chemicals. A good example is found in the use of chlorine, that allows to bleach the paper until giving the characteristic snowy tone of the paper sheets.

On the other hand, in the carton case, we would be talking about the same manufacturing process. However, in this case it is about creating thicker cellulose layers than when making paper and, in most cases, it is not bleached. Despite this, it is important that we understand that it is a material that is manufactured from the same substance base: cellulose. Which also explains that its recycling can be carried out jointly.

Why is it important to recycle paper and cardboard

The recycling of paper and cardboard is important because it allows reduce the number of trees that have to be cut down to make paper. Because so much paper and cardboard are made from cellulose obtained from trees, if the cellulose can be recovered from the unusable paper and cardboard, it can be reused in the manufacture of new paper and cardboard, which will avoid logging of many trees. In fact, to give us an idea, por every ton of paper and cardboard that is recycled, on average, the felling of 18 trees is avoided.

As we all know, plants, and especially trees, are of fundamental importance in conserving life and ecosystems on Earth. Trees are responsible for producing the oxygen that animals breathe. But, in addition, they also have the ability to reduce the pollution present in the atmosphere and that causes respiratory diseases, especially to people who live in cities and where pollution is greater. On the other hand, we cannot forget the simple but very important fact that the oxygen produced by trees is made from CO2 present in the air, the main GHG (Greenhouse Gas) that causes climate change on our planet. In the following article we will explain to you which are the main sources of CO2 emissions.

On the other hand, recycling paper and cardboard also has a positive impact on reducing the amount of waste we generate. In this way, a significant part of waste is reduced that would end up in incinerators or, worse, scattered in the environment. In this sense, it is important to bear in mind that, although the cellulose in paper and cardboard is a biodegradable material, when this happens, many of the chemicals used in the manufacture of paper are also released into the environment, such as chlorine. This ends up polluting the ecosystem, so that, although it is a less visible garbage than another, it is not at all a "harmless" garbage in natural spaces.

How paper and cardboard are recycled

To recycle paper and cardboard, the first thing to do is collect it. This is done through the blue container, which is the one destined for this type of waste. Later, this waste is collected by local garbage trucks and transported to a recycling center, where the Recycling process Properly said:

  1. The first thing that is done in these paper and cardboard recycling centers is separate waste that yes that can be recycled of those that not.
  2. Once these wastes have been separated again, they begin a process in which they go through different machines that deal with shred paper and cardboard and to add water to the whole.
  3. In this way, little by little, a increasingly thin dough which, in its final phase, is very similar to that of the original paper, although with more impurities.

In fact, because there are certain impurities that cannot be eliminated, it is common to see recycled paper in uses that do not require a very fine finish, such as toilet paper, napkin paper or wrapping cardboard. However, through the use of new treatments, high quality recycled paper can also be obtained, which can be used, for example, in the manufacture of folios.

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