Are electric cars the green solution of the future?

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The concept of electric vehicle It is relatively new to the world of the automotive industry. However, it is making its way and the number of its defenders is increasing daily. Currently, there is an intense debate about its advantages in opposition to classic gasoline-powered cars and their first cousins, hybrid vehicles that, although they try to combine the advantages of both, the truth is that they offer a worse ecological solution. In this Green Ecologist article, we answer the question of: Are electric cars the green solution of the future?

Advantages of electric cars

The goal of electric vehicles is clear: curb harmful impacts on the environment. The figures are outrageous: gasoline used for transportation accounts for approximately 80% of total urban pollution. In Spain alone, 50 million tons of carbon dioxide are emitted during a year, which is the equivalent of 5,000 times the weight of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. This CO2 that the exhaust pipes constantly expel is not only harmful for the planet, but also for the general health of the inhabitants. Faced with this situation, electric cars appear as a good proposal with the aim of alleviating the excessive use of gasoline.

An electric car is a vehicle that works through one or more electric motors, completely eliminating the need for fuel. According to the Electric Power Research company, an electric car is a 97% cleaner than a traditional one. However, in countries like Spain there has not yet been a strong introduction, given the low levels of sales.

Some brands that manufacture electric vehicles with good success are Nissan, a pioneer in the introduction of the one hundred percent electric vehicle worldwide, Ford with its Focus Electric model, Tesla Model or Chevrolet. The countries where the acceptance of electric cars is most visible are the United States, Japan and China. On European borders, the Netherlands and Norway stand out.

Advocates hope that more and more buyers will take them as a valid alternative and are encouraged to take that necessary green step. It is a modality that has come to stay and that, although with some limitations derived from its still scarce implementation, offers many more advantages than disadvantages.

Disadvantages of electric cars

Regarding the disadvantages, the first is that, as there are fewer manufacturers and due to the price of electric batteries, the overall cost of the vehicle is higher. Proponents of the electric car believe that, although the initial price may be higher, it is compensated in the long term by savings in the energy source and in maintenance.

Other of the most named is his loading time, a process that can even take a few hours, although the latest vehicles come with a shorter charging time, take as an example the Tesla Motors Model S, which does it in 45 minutes. Coupled with this disadvantage is the less autonomy it offers compared to gasoline engines. Manufacturers are working on extending this drive time from a full charge so that an electric vehicle can go more miles in one go.

Due to the youth of the concept, there are still things to improve, although, considering the daily damage that transport does to the environment, we can only see it as a huge step forward. In some countries, the State awards financial subsidies to buyers of this type of vehicle to thank them for their ecological commitment. They are highly recommended for city driving, respectful of the natural environment and their food can cost up to ten times less than that of a gasoline vehicle. That is why it is not ruled out that the near future will carry the desired label of "green driving".

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