Ecological pools: how they work, advantages and disadvantages

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One of the alternatives to traditional pools are ecological pools. This type of installation fulfills the same functions as a traditional swimming pool, but with the difference that it does not use any type of chemical product in its maintenance. All the processes that are carried out are natural, which manages to avoid certain types of allergies, in addition to the pleasure of knowing yourself swimming in natural water that has not been chemically altered. This, of course, has its advantages and disadvantages. If you want to know a little more about ecological pools, how they work, and what are your advantages and disadvantages, keep reading Green Ecology and we will tell you about it.

How to keep an ecological pool clean

The main characteristic of an ecological pool is the absence of chemical elements in the water to help keep it clean. In this way, you can find ecological pools in many forms and types, since the only thing that differentiates them from traditional pools is the absence of chemical elements such as chlorine. However, these chemical elements have a specific function, which is to prevent the appearance of microorganisms that would contaminate the water and make it impossible to bathe in that water without the risk of contracting a disease.

However, there is a simple way to prevent the appearance of these microorganisms without using chemicals, which is through the presence of aquatic plants. The ecological pools, or natural pools, have two different areas. On the one hand, they have a bathing area, which is similar to that of any regular pool. On the other hand, they also have a shallower space where a series of water plants such as reeds or water lilies are located. These plants favor the regeneration of water, which allows bacteria to not appear or the pool to become cloudy despite not having chemicals.

On the other hand, you can add an electric pump to help circulate the water between the bathroom and the plants. In this way, you can be sure that the water cleaning process is even better, although it is optional, since the plants must be enough to keep the pool in good condition.

Advantages of an ecological pool

The advantages of having an ecological pool are several. On the one hand, it must be taken into account that it is a pool that is much less aggressive to human skin. By eliminating any type of chemical products in the water, we find a water that is not harmful during the bath, which means that there are no allergic reactions or dermatitis after bathing.

On the other hand, it must also be taken into account that an ecological pool will be respectful with the environment. The water it uses does not pollute the environment, nor the possible animals that come to drink from it, which is usually very common in the case of birds. In other words, it is an installation that not a problem for the surrounding ecosystem where it is located.

Likewise, it cannot be overlooked that the experience of bathing in an ecological pool It is much more pleasant than doing it in a traditional one. This is due to several factors, among which it is worth mentioning both the fact of not bathing in contact with chemical products, as well as the fact of doing it in a natural environment and surrounded by vegetation.

Finally, another advantage that cannot be ignored is that it is much cheaper to maintain, since it is not necessary to have a treatment plant or a continuous replenishment of the necessary chemicals in traditional swimming pools. On the contrary, in the case of natural pools, it will be enough to keep the plants that take care of the work of water purification in good condition and clean the bottom from time to time, as would be done in a conventional swimming pool.

Disadvantages of having an ecological pool

However, it must be taken into account that an ecological pool will also present a series of inconveniences or specific needs that will have to be considered if we want to enjoy a natural pool in good condition. The first thing to keep in mind is that requires constant care and supervision of purifying plants. We cannot forget that the quality of the water will depend directly on the health of these plants, so they will become one more part of the garden, which will have to receive attention and care. However, since it will not be necessary to water them, these cares will focus mainly on removing dead leaves and checking that the plants do not get sick.

Second, it must be taken into account that an ecological pool requires two different spaces:

  • The bathroom.
  • The one with the plants.

This makes need more space than traditional pools, since the part of the plants will not be used for bathing, but it is a place that must be extended in a sufficient proportion in relation to the bathing area. Specifically, it is considered that the area of the plants should be at least one third of the total surface of the pool.

Finally, the other great inconvenience that having a natural pool can entail is the presence of mosquitoes go to the water. However, these mosquitoes tend to concentrate in the area of the plants, so they do not usually interact with people located in the bathing area. However, if you want to avoid them, a simple and ecological solution will be to allow some frogs to settle in the ecological pool itself. These amphibians are natural predators of mosquitoes, which will keep them at bay and, in addition, will provide a greater biological wealth to our pool, which will have become a complete ecosystem and perfectly integrated with the environment.

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