Advantages and disadvantages of organic products

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Hedges and vegetation are located on the margins of the cultivation areas. At the same time that they serve as natural boundaries of land and crop separation, they help to avoid inclement weather conditions and favor the attraction of insects that facilitate the pollination of crops. In general, they provide all the benefits derived from biodiversity. Vegetable covers in the soil allow the recycling of the nutritive substrates of the soil, they also prevent erosion and favor a high microbiological activity and at the same time provide organic material. The integration of agriculture and livestock complement each other very well, since animals play a very important role in the agricultural system as it provides the soil with the essential organic substrate for fertilizing crops.

At Ecologista Verde we want to present you the advantages and disadvantages of organic products with respect to conventional foods so that, in this way, you have more details about it.

Advantages of organic products

  1. Absence of traces of pesticides in the products: Its production requires more labor than the production of conventional ones and this benefits the rural environment and the local area widely. The benefits are obvious.
  2. Increase in biodiversity: as it is a production that uses natural biodiversity as an essential tool in farm management.
  3. Water and environment pollution: With the use of this method of cultivation, the contamination of groundwater and soils is reduced since low solubility organic fertilizers are used, always used in adequate quantities. At the same time, as no pesticides are used, they help improve air quality.
  4. Nutritive content: Products from organic farming contain more nutritional principles than those from conventional farms, although this statement has yet to be proven by experts.

The main added value of organic products is their respect for the environment and their commitment to sustainable development, in addition to the continuation of traditions.

Disadvantages of organic products

  1. Physical appearance: In general, organic foods are of inferior quality to the eye, however, what really matters is the nutritional content of the foods that make up our daily diet.
  2. Conservation or shelf life: its shelf life is somewhat shorter in some cases than conventional foods.
  3. Price: organic food is a bit more expensive since production systems are slower and labor needs are higher.

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