What to do with used batteries so that they do not contaminate - with explanatory VIDEO

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¿Where to throw away batteries that are no longer useful? This is one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to getting rid of the garbage that we accumulate at home, especially when we seek to do it in a way that we take care of the environment. The truth is that these small batteries are very polluting and it is necessary that when we get rid of them we do it correctly. This is important because, for example, as a curious fact only in Argentina in a year more than 250 million batteries are consumed.

Learn and then help to educate others, especially the little ones, about the proper use of batteries and the best ways to manage the waste they represent and, thus, prevent them from polluting the planet or, at least, reduce considerably its negative impact. Next, in Green Ecologist we tell you what to do with used batteries so that they do not contaminate. Take note!

Why do batteries pollute the environment

Many are the people who are still not very clear why batteries pollute the environment, but it is something that should be known in order to know the seriousness of abandoning these elements in nature. Batteries destroy the environment Because they contain elements that are harmful to it and, when they break or decompose, they release these elements.

Depending on the type of battery, we can find those that contain zinc, manganese dioxide, mercury, cadmium and nickel dust. All these components, depending on what places in nature can wreak havoc as they accumulate. For example, due to the excess of any of these elements or their mixture in the water, this is totally contaminated, dying some of the species that inhabit it, either in rivers, lakes, seas or oceans, as well as being prohibited for the human consumption, as we would be at risk of poisoning ourselves. In the case of land, when piles are left in fields or dumps, the land that comes into contact with their components constantly and excessively becomes sterile and the few vegetables that had grown become toxic.

Batteries should not be thrown in the normal trash

Not everyone wonders where to throw away the batteries and directly dispose of them in the normal garbage containers. Something that is a big mistake because, as we have commented, they seriously affect the environment, harming plant and animal species and, of course, also us.

A) Yes, batteries are not thrown in the normal trash, but you have to manage this waste properly. Fortunately, today, we have come a long way and we have several ways to get rid of them without posing such a great threat to the planet. For example, they can be taken to special collection points where they are reused or reused, or they can be used directly to build something new, as we will comment below, explaining what should be done with batteries that no longer work.

What to do with used batteries

Now that we are clear about why batteries and cells pollute so much and that, therefore, they should not be disposed of with normal garbage, it only remains to know what to do with used batteries so that they do not contaminate. As we mentioned, luckily, today we have several easy alternatives to carry out:

  • Take them to a recycling point, green point or special container for the collection of cells and batteries to be recycled and reused. Find out about the location of these points and containers in your town hall.
  • Always keep batteries in a container at home to take them every so often to these recycling points, avoiding that they are left forgotten in the appliances or in corners of the house, where they are decomposing without realizing it. In addition, when you handle them to take them to these points, if you see any broken or their contents ooze, it is recommended that you wear latex gloves.
  • Uses rechargeable batteries before button, alkaline and other types.
  • Opt for the renewable energy In your home. Buy devices that use less polluting energy or, better yet, clean energy, such as solar energy.
  • Turn them into scrap bricks for environmentally friendly constructions. This solution will not prevent its content from being polluting anymore, but it will isolate these toxic elements, at the same time that it is used to build solidly.

These are the options that we have today and, surely, you can do almost all of them easily. If you do not have it so easy because, for example, you do not have anywhere near or in your city to dispose of them correctly, consider talking to your city council so that they provide recycling points to the population and explain why it is important.

How to make brick with batteries and cement

If you are thinking of building an ecological house, you may be interested in learning how to make waste bricks like these. For make cement bricks and piles, more materials such as plastic bottles and sawdust are reused. You just have to follow these steps:

  1. Fill the plastic bottles with batteries, which have to be slightly smaller than the size of the block you want to get to build.
  2. Fill all the gaps with sawdust so that there is no space in the bottle and this is made of absorbent material and close well with the lid.
  3. Place the battery capsules made from plastic bottles in the center of the brick mold.
  4. Fill the mold with the cement you choose to use for your house or construction and let it dry to be able to use it.

In this simple way, the batteries are isolated preventing them from contaminating the environment while they are still encapsulated. Also, remember that to build your own house it is recommended that you have the help of experts in the field and do not do everything on your own, so you will avoid some mistakes that are usually made in these cases.

If you want to read more articles similar to What to do with used batteries so that they do not contaminate, we recommend that you enter our Recycling and waste management category.

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