Power Generating Bicycles

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That bicycles are capable of generate kinetic energy it is nothing new. However, that it is capable of being retained so that hybrid buses can use it, it is. This invention has been the work of designer Chiyu Chen, who has thought that bicycles can be more than just sustainable transport.

Power Generator Bicycle System

East power generator bicycle system, called Hybrid 2, is capable of obtaining it in two ways: the lifelong one that is produced thanks to pedaling, and the newest, thanks to the "hybrake" regenerative braking system, a system very similar to the one used today. other sustainable means of transport.

How do they work

The solution consists of few parts of which do not require much maintenance. The parts of the bike It is made up of an exercise bike, a generator (it can be a car alternator), a band of car (to be able to unite the revolutions of the bicycle towards the generator), a DCCA current inverter.

Thanks to an intelligent electrical grid, this energy will be stored so that the buses can then be recharged easily. In order for those who have used the bicycle to be rewarded, it has been thought that the best thing would be to offer them a free credit to travel on the bus. The amount of the credit will depend on the energy generated with the bicycle.

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