How to TAKE CARE of NATURE: 13 Tips and Actions

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Caring for the environment in which all living beings, including us, live, is essential to maintain the natural balance of planet Earth. Some cultures know it as Pachamama, others call it Gaia, and many refer to nature as Mother Earth, thus demonstrating the importance of caring for nature in our lives, since from it we can obtain the resources we need to survive. .

With a current human population in perpetual increase and the consequent destruction of wild habitats, and flora and fauna of the planet, it is essential to develop daily habits of caring for the environment. Continue reading this Green Ecologist article and you will discover how to take care of nature with small and large actions.

How to take care of nature and the environment

The environmental care It is a responsibility that we must maintain on a regular basis, as it is the responsibility of all societies in the world to make more efficient and sustainable use of the resources we use. Next, we offer an extensive list with many of the main actions that we must do to contribute our bit in caring for nature. If you want to know how to take care of nature and the environment, take note:

  • Save water, reduce its consumption and reuse it.
  • Turn off lights and electronic devices when we are not using them to save energy.
  • Bet on renewable energy.
  • Use low-pollution public means of transport.
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle.
  • Consume responsibly.
  • Carry out activities in nature and sustainable tourism to know, respect and conserve biodiversity and ecosystems.

How to take care of nature: save water and energy

Thinking globally, but acting locally, we can contribute to making a more efficient use of water and energy that we consume in our day to day. In general, we must develop a "culture of savings", based on do not waste energy or natural resources through small actions that will bring great benefits to nature:

  • Close taps when we do not use the water.
  • Shower instead of bathing.
  • Reuse domestic water.
  • Make the most of the hours of sunlight.
  • Use light bulbs of low consumption.
  • Do not leave electrical appliances plugged in if they are not being used.
  • Bet on public transport, cycling and walking; as well as traveling by train instead of by plane whenever possible.
  • Promote the use of renewable energies in the face of the unsustainable consumption of fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

Here we explain how to save electricity at home.

The 3R rule to care for nature: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

The famous initiative of the 3R rule of ecology was proposed by the environmental NGO Greenpeace, it has gone around the world and more and more people are trying to comply with them to take care of nature from home.

  1. Reduce: We must reduce our generalized consumption of resources, betting on a more sustainable and responsible consumption, favoring the purchase of ecological products and not kilometers, as well as reducing the consumption of meat in our diet and the purchase of plastic containers (for example, carrying our own bags and containers when going to the supermarket), and encourage sustainable fashion, buying new items only when we really need them. We must also reduce the emission of different types of pollutants to nature, avoiding the consumption of aerosols and fertilizers, among other harmful chemicals.
  2. Re-use: try to give a second life to everything we buy and that, after some arrangement or changing its original use, we can continue using it and thus avoiding the purchase of new products. For this we must also fight against the planned obsolescence of many electronic products.
  3. Recycle: We must develop daily habits for the recycling of all kinds of materials: used oils, batteries, light bulbs, ink cartridges, pharmaceutical materials and electrical appliances, in addition to depositing the remains of paper, cardboard, containers and glass in the appropriate container. We must also bet on composting to avoid the emission of harmful gases derived from incineration when treating non-biodegradable waste in landfills.

Learn more about The 3Rs of Ecology: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle with this other post. In addition, we encourage you to go a little further and discover The 7Rs of ecology: redesign, reduce, reuse, repair, renew, recover and recycle.

In addition, so that the little ones learn more, here we leave you a couple of very interesting articles that we hope will help with the environmental education of children: Activities to take care of the environment and Actions to take care of the environment at school.

How to take care of nature: respect and conserve species and ecosystems

Environmental education brings us closer to essential values for love and respect nature through the knowledge, the valuation of its wealth and the conservation of each and every one of the species of living beings that constitute it. We can always take advantage of our free time and vacations to carry out activities in nature, bet on sustainable tourism and visit natural parks, biosphere reserves and protected areas, as well as natural reserves and botanical gardens to know the amazing biodiversity of the different corners of the planet.

Wherever we go we must have different present actions to conserve and respect ecosystems, animals and plants, such as:

  • Do not start fires or throw cigarette butts.
  • Do not uproot plants or alter natural ecosystems.
  • Do not mistreat animals or participate in activities related to animal suffering.
  • Participate in environmental activities such as collective reforestation, garbage removal on beaches and trails, etc.

In this other article we explain how to do sustainable tourism. And most importantly, spread the word, share ideas and knowledge and inform those around us of the need to comply with these actions to take care of nature and the environment.

Why is it important to take care of nature

We must remember that nature can exist without us, but that we cannot survive without nature. The enormous benefits that we can provide the planet with our sustainable habits are essential for us to do use of natural resources in the present without compromising the survival of future generations and their ability to access more natural resources.

All the species that inhabit the planet are like pieces of a puzzle that fits perfectly through ecological relationships of mutual benefits, so we must fight for the protection of all species and ecosystems that exist in nature. We have in our hands the option of living in harmony with nature and not unbalancing everything that has taken millions of years of evolution, but that can be destroyed in decades of irrational human exploitation.

If you have been wanting to learn more about how to take care of nature and the environmentYou can see this video that you will also have on our YouTube channel.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to take care of nature, we recommend that you enter our category of Other environment.

  • Drafting EFE verde (08/02/2014) Decalogue to take care of the environment. EFE VERDE Agency, Sustainable Development: Environment.
  • Chuvieco, E. & Martín, M. A. (2015) Caring for the Earth. Reasons to conserve nature. Word Editions (Madrid), pp: 252.
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