What is ecosophy?

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Ecosophy is a word that adds ecology and philosophy concepts, which means that its content drinks from both and at the same time transcends them, that is, it contributes something of its own. As a new word, it is a neologism attributed to Arne Næss, a Norwegian philosopher highly committed to ecology.

Keeping track of this revolutionary thinker is a good way to define it. In addition to being a renowned philosopher and an experienced climber, we care about his work as an activist. For example, it participated in notorious protests, such as the one carried out in 1970 by 300 people to prevent the construction of a dam near the Mardalsfossen waterfall, in the north of the country. The project was eventually stopped, as with other similar initiatives, but his true contribution to the deepest ecological sentiment was his thinking.

In Green Ecologist we tell you what is ecosophy in detail, so read on if you want to find out.

We are part of a whole, the maxim of ecosophy

Basically, his enlightened mind lit the fuse of a ecological movement called deep ecology, whose basis is none other than ecosophy concepts that reject an anthropocentric perspective or approach. In other words, the human being is not the navel of the world. "We are not at the top of the hierarchy of living beings. Actually, we are all part of a whole", so that all forms of life have a value in themselves.

From this it is easy to deduce maxims such as respect for diversity, the rejection of all domination, plunder and contamination. In short, it is a matter of confronting this deep ecology with other more superficial ecologies, based on selfish interests.

Ecosophy advocates an intelligent ecology, which combines the ethical with the rational to form a set of values and behavior guidelines that respect the environment. Very sobering, no doubt. It is also inspiring, a breath of fresh air.

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