Methane energy

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The methane, a compound generated by human and animal excrement and municipal waste, could replace fossil fuels or send rockets to space and at the same time avoid the effect on climate change Some studies indicate that large amounts of methane hidden in permafrost (frozen underground), under the seabed or in frozen lakes of the Arctic could be escaping into the atmosphere, precisely because of the climate change.

It is estimated that the reserves of hydric methane double the rest of fossil fuels worldwide and their combustion capacity is very high, which could be used as fuel and to produce various gases and industrial substances.

When it is removed from its natural place, the conditions by which it was attached disappear, so that methane can be used as an energy source.The main sources of methane are:

  • Decomposition of organic waste
  • Natural sources (swamps): 23%
  • Extraction from fuels fossils: 20% (methane was traditionally burned and emitted directly. Today we try to store as much as possible to reuse it by forming the so-called natural gas).
  • The processes in the digestion and defecation of animals. 17%. (Especially cattle).
  • The bacteria in rice plantations: 12%
  • Anaerobic digestion of biomass Its chemical formula is CH4.

What is Methane

Methane (from the Greek methy came, and the suffix -ano) 2 is the hydrocarbon Simpler alkane, whose chemical formula is CH 4. Each of the hydrogen atoms is attached to carbon through a covalent bond. It is a nonpolar substance that occurs as a gas at ordinary temperatures and pressures. It is colorless, odorless and insoluble in water. In nature it occurs as a final product of the anaerobic putrefaction of the plants. This natural process can be exploited to produce biogas. Many microorganisms anaerobic They generate it using CO 2 as the final electron acceptor.

If you want to read more articles similar to Methane energy, we recommend that you enter our category of Renewable Energies.

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