An original and very sensory restaurant - Green Ecologist

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The sensory restaurant

You have to eat with your five senses! … We are not talking about any discovery, for a long time the professionals of the gastronomy They have been preaching that the pleasure of eating must be multisensory. In the more modern restaurants We no longer only find only the great chef and his entourage of organized cooks to serve us some heart-stopping dishes, now new allies on staff come into play such as engineers or artists in lighting and sound to take the client to a sensory climax with a meal that without it will certainly be unforgettable.

The video belongs to the Sagaya restaurant, which unfortunately is not suitable for all budgets in the city of Tokyo. Every night he prepares an exclusive dinner for 8 people where the multisensory experience unique engulfs the user in a parallel world of sensations, flavors, smells, and the beauty of the landscape of Japan projected as a canvas on the walls and table of the restaurant.

The culprit of being able to enjoy an unforgettable evening without having to have a spectacular minimalist decoration is the artistic collective TeamLab, which with its long history in the digital, design and sensory world have been able to remake the way of understanding food … "When a plate is placed on the table, the scenic world contained within it is unleashed on the table and the surrounding space"

Is a intimate facility and interactive where the projections are influenced by the behavior of the diners according to their movements and by the different dishes that will be provided in the meal. The projected objects enter into symbiosis with the user and change shape or size, accompanying us throughout the evening.

We remember that we already talked about the architecture of the five senses, of those spaces that excite and enhance the imagination. Explosions of colors, pure and minimalist landscapes, small birds and butterflies in motion or a waterfall that covers the entire table will ensure a original experience and unforgettable.

The artistic collective TeamLab has more than interesting works in its long history with works related to interior decoration or in the field of feng shui and the harmony of spaces. We leave the following video that we think deserves applause. Be careful, the waterfall is a multi-storey wall inside a building.

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