Automatic urban cultivation for your garden - Green Ecologist

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When urban cultivation breaks with tradition

There are technological proposals that distort the centuries-old tradition of agriculture or the daily work of a farmer, not only in the field. Technology has also reached the city.

If we move in the world of urban cultivation of vegetables (Wide article of the urban garden from HERE) where risky, innovative proposals that present a possible future, are changing the traditional urban growing tables by new electronic "gadgets" that try to replace the hand of the expert or not so expert with a screen, cables and LEDs.

My father - who is a farmer - would simply comment … "you are crazy", but the reality is that it can be an option for those urban planners short of time, with little skills or knowledge and who want to eat their "organic" vegetables, controlling every last detail from his urban garden. (See also the garden hydroponic that Ikea proposes)

The project exposed in the video is called FarmBot, a example of urban garden literally automatic that possibly revolutionizes the traditional technique and the way we see the urban gardens that some buildings may have in big cities. (See also self-sufficient ecosystems)

"Soon many rooftops in cities will have automated systems that will produce their own organic vegetables without the need for constant maintenance"

The FarmBot is actually an adaptation of the typical 3D printer to a new way of understanding and applying it, with many similarities and manufacturers even propose that different parts can be made with their own 3D prints.

The system for urban crops It has been designed to be able to expand it - in size - without any problem, it has recognition of «malignant» plants and at the same time, it eliminates them, automatic watering and lights.

In addition to the Software that controls even the last detail of the orchard and the crop that we can think of, with the evidence that it also works through mobile phones. Easier to organize what we want to plant, it is impossible! …

It is evident that the trend for the future is to be connected to everything, the famous Internet of Things, if we will have a car and half a house connected… Why not the home garden? Or be able to control the vegetable plot from work?

Another issue will be electronic maintenance, or you have to put the seeds and water or the reality is that you lose an entire essence, a tradition, a way to escape - for example - or the simple fact of using your hands like ours grandparents … But that would be another debate!

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