Home staging; 33 techniques to sell the house faster - Green Ecologist

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Home staging

Today, the real estate market offers many opportunities to rent or buy a home with a varied price range and construction qualities, so the competition is really fierce when it comes to selling a property.

Although the sale price of a property is still one of the most determining factors, there are other elements that also intervene in the decisions of the future buyer or tenant, and this is when the different techniques come into play. home staging with the intention of speed up the process of selling a property.

The goal of home staging is to speed up the purchase or rental of a property

What is home staging

They are a series of techniques imported from the United States whose primary objective is to get the most out of a property that is for rent or sale through a process of image improvement, with the intention of conquering the potential buyer or tenant and sell the house faster.

The home staging techniques (The call professional home stager) were actually adopted in Spain as a consequence of the construction crisis, where the real estate market offered a significant portfolio of properties for sale and few future buyers.

The basis isdepersonalize the home With the idea of giving it a feeling of neutrality, allowing it to capture the attention of a wide range of potential buyers, it is like a marketing tool focused on the real estate market for the sale of real estate.

The International Association of Home Staging Professionals (which you can consult HERE) has different relevant reports and infographics with very interesting data. Among them, the advantages from the perspective of numbers, which are undoubtedly very favorable!

Access complete ingography with more data from HERE.

Tips, advantages and benefits home staging

  • It is proven that your potential buyer decides, in one sense or another, as soon as they start the visit to your home, within the first ninety seconds.
  • Home staging creates open-plan, organized, comfortable, clean, orderly, fresh, well-lit spaces with a pleasant atmosphere that make it easy for the potential buyer to make the decision in the first ninety seconds of the visit to be the one that interests you the most. .

  • Between the benefits of home staging, is that it can be applied in offices, commercial premises, new homes, second-hand, furnished or empty.
  • If the interested visitor enters a clean space, well lit and with a nice atmosphere It will be easy for you to imagine living in it.
  • A home that has undergone a process of home staging before and after, wins in the number of visits it receives and in the speed with which it is able to sell or rent at the best possible price, since it leaves very few points on which to negotiate.
  • As a general rule, the real estate staging increase the value of your home. A better perception of the property, both for rent and for the potential buyer.
  • The result of home staging is neutral environments, which invite you to enjoy them as your own from the first moment.
  • In times of real estate crisis, it is essential to add value to your home so that whoever enters it, feels at home.
  • Is a service focused on improving the first impression of your home to be able to sell or rent it more quickly.
  • Home staging techniques do not imply carrying out major reforms in your home.
  • Use simple changes in the furniture, in the organization of the space, in the decoration and in the presentation of the house.
  • Statistics show that houses that have been subjected to a home staging process they sell much faster.
  • The staging home It is a different strategy than the typical one of lowering the price of the house, without the need for a significant financial investment.
  • You can obtain magnificent results with the application of very simple techniques and codes.
  • Make your property stand out compared to other homes for sale or rent in the same area.
  • A prepared house receives many more visits than another unprepared.
  • 90% of buyers cannot imagine the potential of your home if they don't see it… don't sell or rent empty homes !!
  • Around 94% of potential buyers conduct their searches online.
  • Houses that have been performed with these techniques sell between 65% and 85% faster.
  • 75% of homes for sale in the United States go through a preparation of home staging in the houses before being put up for sale.
  • The investment in carrying out an action in your home will always be less than the reduction in the price that you are forced to do.
  • You may not be able to see your home objectively when it comes to selling or renting it.

  • Another tip, hiring a home staging professional (home stager) you can get the most out of your home.
  • The showing good photos of your home will make it stand out among all its competition.
  • You have to give your potential buyers a good reason to choose your home, showing them your home properly presented and thus, you will be able to stand out from your competition.
  • Only 10% of potential buyers can visualize the potential of your property, so this is another reason why these techniques are becoming essential.
  • Successful real estate agencies know that the answer to compete in their industry is to perform with a professional home stager.
  • An action can be carried out in any house regardless of its size, state of conservation or sale price.
  • The investment that can be made to perform a performance of home staging in housing It is minimal compared to the potential profit increase when it comes to selling it.

How long does it cost to sell a property

If the goal to be achieved is speed up the process of selling or renting a property. The first logic is to know how long does it take to sell a property.

!And beware! The theme of rental homes quicklyIt is not always that easy and neither does anyone guarantee to charge you every month. We recommend seeing a secure rental to avoid scares and have payment guarantees.

Although we can find different reference reports, from the technical perspective and the accuracy of the data, we must go to the statistics of the largest appraiser in Spain, Tinsa (IMIE Local Market Reports), where quarterly to provide relevant reports HERE.

Finding ourselves with the map that will provide us with very interesting data. By provinces, the average time of sale of a property. (We remember the article on tips for buying houses where we also explain how to calculate the price of a home in a simple way)

Note: The market for the purchase and sale of properties does offer real data, both on the profile, as well as on economic issues, or sales times. If we talk about rent, there really are no real statistics but rather they are "guesses", so we are not going to address them in this article.

What is the buyer profile

The second point is to know the profile of the future buyer and what are you looking for, what are your concerns, how long are you looking for a property … etc. One of the best reports on the web is The Planner - ST report. Appraisal Society before the analysis of the profile of home buyers from the web at HERE.

From the report you can extract data such as; the age distribution of buyers, when the home search process began actively, how many bedrooms are looking for in a property, the type of type of home, whether they need financing or not … etc. Endless information that will be very useful to characterize the property that we are going to sell.

Home staging techniques and tips

As we have already analyzed in a general way the purchased future profile, now it is time to see some ideas and tips on home staging to increase the possibilities of sale and how to apply them in a property:

  1. The house with a marked style. Before we start to change the style or decoration of the house and adapt it, if we actually have a house with a very marked style, we either respect it or practice a complete change. No patches!

  2. You have to take this technique as a theater. The objective is to prepare a scene so that nothing is casual and to be able to convey a sensation. What we try is to make the potential client see the possibilities of the property.
  3. We have to visualize the purpose of the house. An apartment located in a city is not the same as a town house. Normally the purposes of acquiring you are living are different, the first would be a habitual home and the second, as a rule, a rest home, so we could practice "happier" changes and more rustic environments. For example, use a greater number of plants, place more emphasis on outdoor areas, porches … etc.
  4. Pets away from home. Remember that we must avoid distracting the client when visiting the property and of course, we can have a buyer who does not like animals and affects them with erroneous perceptions. Beware of pet odors… it can be great!
  5. You need more opinions. When we live in a house for a long time, we tend to lose our real vision, so we should ask someone outside for an honest opinion, of everything good and everything bad.
  6. Empty properties, no thanks!… In the staging home, the client must be able to imagine the real dimensions of the rooms so that they can clearly visualize the usefulness of the spaces. Most people are unable to imagine a possible layout without furniture.

  7. All rooms must have a utility. Having an empty room without a certain use is a mistake; We can say that it is an office (we put a table and chair) or the children's playroom, but not that it is a storage room. Storage rooms are assimilated to spaces of disorder and dirt, and we want to avoid bad feelings.
  8. The spaces must be ventilated and cool. It is recommended to renew the air for 10 minutes, before the clients arrive (Especially in the rooms). We can also use mild air fresheners, but remember that they are of quality, and some experts even advise putting the coffee maker a few minutes before the customer's arrival. Everyone loves the smell of coffee!
  9. Choose neutral and bright colors. Now is not the time to experiment with that "fun" lime green. But that doesn't mean you have to put it all white. The shades of gray or light brown are suitable.
  10. Lighting is important. The house must be well lit. Open the blinds, open curtains (if they are deteriorated, it is better to remove them). The intention is to eliminate dark corners and it is always better to show the house on days that are not rainy and cloudy.
  11. Be careful with the curtains. Not everyone likes curtains, therefore, if they are a little damaged, remove them or change them for the roller ones that are more effective for the entry of light and provide a feeling of cleanliness and free space. (See article on advice on fabrics and textiles for the home)
  12. Clear rooms. The spaces of the house must transmit lightness, so the less furniture the better or rather the fair ones. In addition we will have a feeling of spacious housing. (See 15 tips for minimalist decoration)
  13. What is left in the storage room. Those belongings or furniture that are left in the house, must be removed outside of it, it is not worth leaving them in a room or in a closet.
  14. A neutral furniture. Remember that we are trying to attract a wide range of future buyers so the furniture must be with a neutral design (also colors) and preferably with straight lines. No frills and no knobs!
  15. Symmetrically placed furniture. Symmetrical arrangements tend to work well and give a sense of order. In addition, it is always interesting to create a cozy and rest area where the future buyer can be seen sitting in a relaxed way.
  16. Dining table style. The dining room is often a blind spot in home décor. A large dining table can appear bare and unappealing. An oversized arrangement can seem too stiff and formal, so try placing a series of smaller containers in the center of the table or setting the table without being too ostentatious. (Remember that we also have the article on how to decorate a dining room with good ideas)

  17. Clear hallways. Remember that the aisles by themselves are quite narrow and can give the customer a "feeling of overwhelm". If they are long, use pictures with vertical elements or some elongated figure vertically to break the feeling of long distance.
  18. Avoid personal belongings. Personal objects should not appear in the house (photos, medicines, souvenirs, clothes … etc). The intention is simple, that the client is able to project their own home.
  19. Out broken objects. Avoid showing broken objects that give the impression that the house is in poor condition.
  20. The best allies are plants and candles. Virtually everyone loves plants and candles, they bring a sense of both joy and home. So you have to use them, but without going overboard!
  21. Strengths must be enhanced. In general, we have the habit of adding objects in places that we do not really need and that hinder the customer's vision of an area, which can be a plus point in a sale. For example, the typical carpet on a quality park.
  22. Order sells. Although it seems silly, the sale rates are higher in those houses that there is an order. Both in the kitchen, all the rooms, the bathroom or inside the closets, for example. (See Feng Shui techniques)
  23. Cleanliness is important. Deep cleaning of the house, so that dirt, dust, etc. do not distract the buyer.
  24. Create a gender neutral master bedrooml. Appeal to everyone with a clean and tailored master bedroom, free of personal items and clutter, with a neutral feel, neither masculine nor feminine.
  25. You have to open the cabinets. It is advised that about 20 to 30% of the closet doors are open. Obviously all must be ordered in the case of having clothes objects.

  26. Repair minor flaws. It is essential to make sure that all the elements of the house work correctly; faucets, light bulbs, bathtubs, split tiles, etc. And also that all windows close properly. All these damages can spoil the good image of the property, and hinder the sale deal.
  27. Invite people to explore the whole house. By placing something attention-grabbing at the top of stairs, in hallways, or in corners, you can arouse curiosity and keep potential buyers interested throughout your home tour. A piece of art, a comfortable reading seat under the window, a vase of fresh flowers, a designer pendant light, or even a small, colorful rug can all serve to attract attention.
  28. Outdoor spaces. Whether you have a balcony, terrace, garden or orchard, they are spaces that sell a lot therefore we must not neglect them. Always ready, clean (Even if it's winter) and orderly.
  29. Terrace and porch with furniture. Whenever possible, a table and chairs should be placed. Buyers can project how they will spend their time enjoying the space.
  30. The country houses. Usually the purpose is to relax and spend time with the family. It is advisable in this type of housing to place good pots and vases, wild flowers, next to the fireplace (it is important to light it) a sofa, a soft blanket … etc.
  31. Photographs of the property. It is not only enough to have a good mobile phone or camera to know how to transmit positive feelings. Yes, when a tap breaks you call a plumber, because when you need good photographs, you call a professional photographer. A good photo is capable of selling a property (Forget that the real estate agencies provide the photos, they know how to sell properties not to take photos).
  32. Property videos. Keep in mind that a good video sells, but we repeat that there are professionals who dedicate themselves exclusively to it. Either a good video is made, or not, half measures will provide the customer with sensations that will not be adequate. Also virtual reality is already part of these quick selling techniques.
  33. The real estate agent or the real estate agency, yes!. These professionals can make the sales process much easier for the seller, as they have experience selling homes.Obviously, the weak point of real estate agents is that they charge a commission that will have to be subtracted from the sale price. For this reason, it will be necessary to evaluate the different real estate agents in terms of the services offered and the cost they charge for them.

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