A forest bath, the art of enjoying nature

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If we have the possibility of taking walks through the nature daily, we have a treasure. Walking through a green environment, surrounded by trees, enjoying the peace of a place that invites relaxation, feeds our spirit and is beneficial for health. Stroll leaving problems behind, lie on a fluffy green carpet, letting the peace of the environment flood us and, in short, enjoying with the five senses is entering into communion with nature, merging with it to find ourselves.

As always, living in the big city or in a town surrounded by crops that are anything but wild nature makes it difficult to be in contact with the nature, especially, when you also have little time for everything. That lack of green, logically, exacerbates your need. And it is that being in contact with the natural environment, paying attention to every detail, feeling part of a whole is actually an ancient human need. In this Green Ecologist article, we talk about the art of enjoying nature.

The benefits of nature

That ancient need is the one that explains that taking a relaxing walk through the countryside, enjoying each step, taking a deep breath, has a therapeutic and, of course, preventive effect.

The Benefits of the nature they have always been known and appreciated, you just have to do the test and ask yourself about the wonderful sensations you had, for the beneficial effect that is also felt day by day, but especially progressively, when practiced in a regular.

At a scientific level, its beneficial effects related to a individual health improvement, as a recommendation outside of medicine, although lately it is being proposed as a solution to improve public health, sick in the city, asphalt, stress.

Because, as confirmed by countless studies, it could not be more beneficial for health that flooding the soul hugging a tree, listening to the trills of the birds, the soft murmur of the streams or the leaves of the trees, delighting us with the passing clouds. between the clearings left by the trees in the sky …

Japanese scientists are the latest to advise long walks as a great way to remove tension. Not surprisingly, stress is a very common evil in Japanese society, where endless working hours are common.

Shinrin Yoku or a

The Shinrin-Yoku, version of the Anglo-Saxon term "forest bath", define that benefit contact with nature. It is not enough to go for a walk while you are thinking about other things or chatting with a friend about anything. It is something much deeper, and at the same time simple.

The formula is the absence of it, taking a relaxing walk, which somehow has something mystical about it. Let nature take center stage, notice the rays of light, both direct and those that are sifted, delight in feeling part of it.

The result will be just what we feel, something subjective, and our body will appreciate every minute of that forest bath, especially when it becomes a habit.

A study by the Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences at Chiba University, in Tokyo, has shown that these walks relax on a physical level, not just mental. Our body lowers the levels of cortisol in saliva, the stress hormone.

In addition, the Shinrin Yoku and, always according to the same study, the part of the brain related to pleasure, empathy or emotions is activated. In the background are those others related to daily stress, such as the cognitive and executive functions of the brain. However, thanks to that relaxation, when we return to the routine we will do it renewed, more creative and ready to face problems and make better decisions.

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