Benefits of organic food

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Something so everyday and apparently without importance How to do the shopping for the day to be able to eat fresh food can become a very advantageous gesture for us and for our environment, understood as a natural and also human ecosystem.

And is that our feeding is a fundamental aspect to keep us healthy when our diet is balanced, but at the same time it involves a series of decisions that can change many things if we decide to give priority to local foods. In the following Green Ecologist article we will talk about the benefits of organic food.

Advantages for those around us

Privilege local foods and, even better, organic on a daily basis is a choice with implications for our health, the environment and society.

Regarding the Benefits to regional level, local consumption has a positive social impact. It translates, for example, into an occupation of agricultural lands, as they are revalued and used thanks to the support of the community when acquiring them.

Going further, the local heritage is preserved, both physically and culturally, the agricultural landscape is preserved and, in the event that the crops are also organic, the biodiversity of the area is promoted.

The own production of food means jobs and feeling of belonging to a society that creates human, commercial and exchange ties. They are values that go beyond the material, and contrast strongly with the current trend of globalization.

Sustaining the local economy is a smart way to fight the depersonalization and lack of control over our own lives that globalizing models entail. In figures, support for the local economy would translate into a millionaire injection of money and, above all, this would be constant, promoting sustained growth.

Do we have our own garden?

In the same way that it is committed to local produce You can participate in its production by creating an ecological garden for self-consumption and / or barter for farm products such as eggs or milk. Or, of course, also for sale in markets, in the garden itself or participating in the increasingly popular consumer groups.

The quality and freshness of our own fruit Y vegetables bio or other local producers cannot be compared with refrigerated products or from conventional agriculture. Sometimes they will have defects that we do not find in the products that are marketed, but they are no less tasty for this reason. Quite the contrary, organic foods have a more authentic taste.

Health benefits

On the other hand, if they have an uneven shape, let's say whimsical or its size is not as big as that of the stores, so much is given. On the other hand, they are more genuine and healthy, even if they do not have that wonderful aspect.

In addition, organic farming can offer us fresh products throughout the year. Rediscovering seasonal products and adapting our cuisine to them is a way of connecting with the environment.

The nutritional quality of local products is due to their greater freshness and not having to endure long journeys. Transport very often involves the application of systems to control ethylene and, in general, to extend its durability that they are not as healthy as they should be.

Faced with these artificial treatments, products intended for local consumption (or those produced by ourselves) offer a quality and an incomparable freshness. Our health will greatly appreciate it, and also the palate.

Advantages for the environment

After the present presentation of the different advantages Associated with the consumption of local organic foods, the environmental benefits are easy to deduce. Some of them we have already mentioned, such as the promotion of biodiversity, the landscape richness, a minimal environmental impact or, for example, savings in transport, with what this means when combating climate change.

The reduction of the carbon footprint that supposes to avoid this transport, expensive for our pocket and also for the environment It is one of the main environmental advantages of consuming local organic food.

If we want to improve this aspect, we can organize ourselves when buying and move as few times as possible. In this way, making more important purchases fewer times, we will maximize the use of transport even within the local area. There are always ways to do a little more without costing the extra effort.

Making home preserves to make the most of your own crops or the good price of local seasonal foods is another way to have a variety of foods throughout the year without having to resort to foreign products. Between the products of each season and our jewelry, we will not miss anything at all.

Finally, buy in the market, in consumer groups or at the foot of vegetable patch it translates into less use of packaging. The usual thing in these cases is to use wooden boxes, rope or wicker baskets to carry vegetables, egg cups or durable dairy, with which we are reducing waste, saving a good little money and, finally, doing a favor to the environment.


Indeed, more and more people are interested in the influence that their lifestyle and actions as a consumer have in shaping the world around them.

If on the one hand you are concerned about the cquality of foods, their cultivation or organic production, they are also aware of how much can be done individually to enhance local food production.

If you want to read more articles similar to Benefits of organic foodWe recommend that you enter our Healthy Eating category.

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