9 NATURAL RESOURCES of ECUADOR - Examples explained!

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Natural resources are all those elements, energy, materials and services, that nature provides us and that are very valuable to satisfy the needs of society, thus contributing to its well-being and development. In the case of Ecuador, we can say that due to its geographical location it enjoys a great natural wealth and that among its natural resources it contains water, forest, soil, fauna and flora, among others. The natural resources of the area are used by Ecuadorians as a source of work and subsistence, which promotes the economy and other social aspects. Some of these resources include bananas, cocoa, tropical fruits, marine species, oil, and tubers.

If you want to know what are the main natural resources of EcuadorContinue reading this interesting article by Ecologist Verde in which some of the non-renewable resources of Ecuador will be shown, but mainly several of the renewable resources of Ecuador.


Ecuador thanks to its wealth in biological resources and its geographical conditions that provide adequate climatic conditions for the cocoa cultivation, is one of the countries that lead the production of Cacao Arriba Fino and Aroma.

Two types of cocoa are grown in the country: National Cocoa, which would be the previously mentioned "Above", which is estimated to produce an export of 75%, while the remaining 25% belongs to the production of Cocoa CCN-51 .


Yet another resource that contributes to Ecuador's economy and the creation of jobs is the rose production, considered among the best for their thick stems, bright colors, large buttons and for their long life after being cut.

Ecuador exports roses all over the world, having special acceptance in countries such as Italy, Spain, Ukraine, the Netherlands and the United States.


Ecuador is ideal for cultivation of bananas or plantains, since its climate allows constant production to be maintained throughout the year. Another advantage that makes Ecuador great banana exporter it is the short distance and the accessible roads from the plantations to the ports.

It is estimated that approximately 6 million tons of bananas are grown per year, most of which are exported and therefore the banana cultivation becomes a great economic influencer based on a natural resource in the region.

Tropical fruits

In addition to bananas, in Ecuador exports of up to 20 types of tropical fruits different among which stand out, pineapple, mango, papaya, granadilla, orito, passion fruit, soursop and tree tomato.

In this other article you can discover 30 rare tropical fruits.


The potato is a Andean tuber which in Ecuador is used to prepare the most traditional dishes of the country such as soups, baked or locro de papas, among others. The most common potato is the chola, reddish in color and oval in shape. The potato cultivation in Ecuador It is widespread and it is estimated that up to 80,000 farmers benefit from this natural resource in the country.

In this other post you can discover the different types of potatoes that exist all over the world.


In Ecuador cassava is considered fundamental for the food safety. This is not only used fresh for human consumption, but also for animals and is used as a raw material for local industries such as cardboard, textile or balanced, in addition to being exported.

Cassava has been cultivated for centuries by the indigenous people who inhabit this part of the Amazon and also by the peasants of the lower valleys of the Sierra and the Coast, having great economic and social impact. We are facing a plant that tolerates a variety of pests and droughts very well, grown in areas near the coast.

Marine species

Between the natural resources of the Ecuadorian coast, in addition to the cassava crops, there is also a large quantity and variety of Marine species. Fishing for marine shrimp and tuna is of special importance, as well as fishing or capturing smaller species, such as round sardines, mackerel, chuhueco, horse mackerel or southern sardines, for consumption in the country itself and in other countries. , so they promote the economy of Ecuador both for its internal sale and for its export.

In addition, marine species also help to stimulate The tourism in the area, since they are another attraction among the natural resources of Ecuador. However, it is important to promote sustainable tourism or ecotourism.


Another of the natural resources of Ecuador it is wood. In this country there are large forest plantations for the forest industry and economy, provided raw materials such as wood, used for the production of wood pulp, props, logs, for semi-finished products such as plywood, chipboards and boards, or also for more elaborate products such as doors, furniture, windows, among others.

Despite the fact that wood production is an important economic source for the country, deforestation suffering from the high demand for wood is causing a degenerative process to take place in the area.


Since the 1970s, oil has been a non-renewable natural resource of special interest in the economy of Ecuador, thus becoming dependent on the hydrocarbon resource. Its main areas of exploitation are the provinces of Pastaza, Morona Santiago, Sucumbíos and Napo belonging to the Amazon. The oil exploitation has caused large environmental and social impacts also large. It should be added that Ecuador oil production According to the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources, this fell 13.3% between January and August compared to the same period last year.

Now that you've learned about all of these natural resources of Ecuador, we recommend you learn much more about this topic with these other Green Ecologist articles:

  • What is the importance of natural resources.
  • Exploitation of natural resources, their types and examples.
  • Overexploitation of natural resources: causes and consequences.
  • Conservation of natural resources.

If you want to read more articles similar to Ecuador's natural resources, we recommend that you enter our category of Other environment.

  • Sánchez Calderón M. and Reyes Pinengla C. (2015). Scientific and Technological Magazine UPSE 3 (1): 41. Ecuador: Review of the main characteristics of the forest resource and deforestation: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318120000_Ecuador_Revision_a_las_principales_caracteristicas_del_recurso_forestal_y_de_la_deforestacion
  • Guerrero H., G. Leaders Magazine. Ecuadorian Cacao Its history began before the 15th century: https://www.revistalideres.ec/lideres/cacao-ecuatoriano-historia-empezo-siglo.html
  • Vogliano, S. (May 10, 2009). FUHEM Culture and Environment Project. ECUADOR - Oil extraction in the Amazon: https://www.fuhem.es/media/ecosocial/image/culturambiente/fichas/ECUADOR_combustibles_n22.pdf
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Ecuador. Ecuador plans to be a potato exporter: https://www.agricultura.gob.ec/ecuador-se-proyecta-a-ser-exportador-de-papa/
  • Muñoz Conforme, X., Hinostroza García, F. and Mendoza García, M. (2016 - 2022). The Missionary of Agro, Agrarian University of Ecuador. Cassava in Ecuador: its origin and genetic diversity: http://www.uagraria.edu.ec/publicaciones/revistas_cientificas/16/058-2017.pdf
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