Effective solution in the REMOVAL of MOISTURE by Dr. Juan Viñas and daughter

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Have humidity problems at home? Dr. Juan Alberto Viñas and his daughter María del Mar Viñas also had them in their family home in a town in Espolla, Girona. Luckily, they managed to kill her through a method developed by them that turned out to be 4 times. more efficient than wireless electro-osmosis.

The Electro-Physical system HS-221 that you will find in Humitat-Stop allows you to solve any problem of capillary moisture and now it's at your fingertips. Do you want to know what are its advantages, how it works and how to install it? So, keep reading this interesting Green Ecologist article.

What is the HS-221 system?

The dampness by capillarity they usually appear between the tiles, leaving a trail of saltpeter in their wake. If we have wooden parquet, the humidity will make it swell and deform. Stopping the humidity by implanting a waterproof layer under the floor, it is very expensive and the construction material ends up piercing it due to the weight.

Install the HS-221 system in a continuous thick wall it is a more effective and long-lasting solution to make the soil moisture disappear. Now, if the humidity is the result of the leakage of an aquifer or underground water canalization a few centimeters from the ground, before proceeding to its drying, it is necessary to put a solution to said filtration.

How and where is it installed?

Installation is very simple and will only take a few minutes. As its creators have on their website, it is enough to make two holes in the wall about 20 centimeters from the ground with the help of a 5mm drill and at a distance of 10 centimeters. Then you will have to place the supplied plugs, put two spikes and hang the HS-221.

Once the power supply is plugged in, a red LED will light to indicate that power is being drawn to it. When the LED turns green, it indicates that it has already started. To guarantee the elimination of moisture by capillarity, it is very important to check that the LEDs remain lit.

Where to install this system will depend on each case. If the humidity is distributed throughout the house, whose plant is rectangular, it should be placed in the middle of the longest wall in an area affected by humidity. If the humidity is concentrated in one area, the system will go to the main wall with capillary humidity.

Covering the team is very easy. A built-in wardrobe or box can be placed on top, as long as it is not metallic.

Main advantages of eliminating humidity by capillary action with the Electro-Physical System HS-221

This system is distinguished by its effectiveness in reducing more than 60% of the humidity problem due to capillarity in a matter of a month. In addition, as we have already mentioned, it is easily installed no need to do works. In fact, if you know how to hang a painting, this will be quite similar.

The cost is lower than that of other classic solutions, which are also not as effective. Given its high potential and performance, avoid diseases caused by humidity such as rheumatism, asthma, or respiratory allergies. in addition it is not harmful to health of people, animals or plants.

Take a look at their website and find out about this new, safe and reliable system. This patented method has multiple advantages and it is that by eliminating the humidity that rises up the walls, evaporation from the surface is less, drastically reducing the condensation humidity.

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