+20 home remedies for mosquitoes - Effective and easy

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The arrival of summer and good weather means being able to go to the beach, the pool, go out to the terraces, go camping, among many fun things. However, it is also synonymous with the arrival of mosquitoes. That for some people this can be truly annoying and annoying. Did you know that mosquitoes are attracted to carbon oxide or lactic acid that is exhaled when they sweat and breathe? In addition, it is only the female mosquitoes that bite.

If you want to know how to drive away mosquitoes with home remedies, without the need to resort to toxic and environmentally harmful products, be sure to read this interesting article by Green Ecologist in which we offer you a list of home remedies for mosquitoes so you can use the best one for you.


Vinegar, thanks to acetic acid, has an aroma that is not supported by mosquitoes. So, if you've ever wondered, how to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home, a homemade mosquito repellent with vinegar It can be an effective measure, unless like these insects, you also do not tolerate the smell of vinegar. You just have to place a container full of vinegar at entrances like doors and windows.


Like vinegar, incenses give off strong smells that mosquitoes hate. Lavender, citronella, and chamomile incenses are among those that work very well to ward off mosquitoes and other insects. Of course, try not to inhale the smoke directly.

We recommend you read this other post on How to light incense.

Aromatic plants

Many plants can be considered, anti-mosquito plants, mainly aromatic plants. Having plants on the balcony, on the terrace or in the windows such as mint, lavender or basil, makes the smell of these repel mosquitoes, thanks to the substances they contain and that can be obtained in essential oils.

We recommend you have a Geranium anti-mosquito and here you can see its care.

Citronella insecticide

We have mentioned before that citronella incense can be a solution for mosquitoes, however, it can be used in another way to keep them away. For example, you can sow or plant citronella in gardens, terraces or balconies. Here you can see the Care of citronella.

Moreover, also you can make natural insecticides with citronella. How?

  1. Boil half a liter of water.
  2. Once it is boiling, put 5 leaves of the citronella plant.
  3. The water is allowed to cool.
  4. Once cold, it should be strained into a bottle with a spray bottle.
  5. Once this has been done, the insecticide is ready to be applied to the areas to be protected.

Citronella candle

To craft a liquid citronella candle you need 1 floating candle, 1 lemon, 5 sage leaves, 5 branches of fresh lavender, 5 drops of citronella essential oil, 400 ml of water and two glass jars. A lemon slice is cut one centimeter thick. Aromatic plants are put in the jars, in the same proportions. The lemon slice is placed on the plants, the drops of essential oil and the water are added, leaving a little free space. The candle rests on the lemon and everything is ready to be lit.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is an excellent homemade mosquito repellent for the body and it can also be distributed in the most humid areas of the house, this is due to the aroma it has, since its smell is unpleasant for these insects. The oil can be bought in a natural products store and mixed with the moisturizer or shampoo that we normally use. Also, it can be to make a home eucalyptus decoction which has a similar effect. The necessary ingredients are 1 liter of water and 250 grams of eucalyptus leaves and these are the steps:

  1. Put the water to boil.
  2. Once it is boiling, the eucalyptus leaves are added so that they release their essence.
  3. Later it is strained and can be used for the body or for the house, when it is still hot or warm.


Another of the home remedies so that mosquitoes do not bite is chamomile. To get this homemade repellent, you have to follow these steps:

  • 250 grams of chamomile flowers are mixed with one liter of boiling water
  • Once it cools down, the repellent should be sprayed on the skin.
  • And ready!


The lemon is used for repel the sting From mosquitoes, you only have to put the lemon peels in a liter of boiling water for 15 minutes, once the water is cold, a cotton ball is dipped in it and passed through the body.

Lemon or orange with cloves

Another of the best home remedies for mosquitoes is to catch half a lemon with some cloves for example in the room where we sleep, although we can also place it anywhere in the house, since both lemon and cloves are natural elements. Although this example is with lemon, the orange and other fruits similar, as it also contains citric acid.

Mint and cloves

To craft a peppermint and clove repellent You will need 2 small spoons of degreasing soap, 15 drops of essential oil of cloves, 5 drops of essential oil of citrus and 25 drops of essential oil of peppermint. All the necessary products are poured into a bottle and mixed, once mixed it can be already smeared on the skin.

Cat mint

Cat mint, cat or also call cat basil makes mosquitoes stay away. According to university studies, the essential oil of this herb is up to 10 times more effective than any product manufactured by artificial chemistry. Catmint can be planted both in a pot or in a garden.

Black pepper

The black pepper in form of essential oil or liquid extract It is another effective natural element to repel mosquitoes. In fact, it is considered a natural anti-mosquito that can protect your skin from the bites of these annoying insects. The reason is that the aroma of pepper acts as a natural repellent and protects us for several hours. Test it!

Lavender oil

Lavender has a distinctive, fresh scent, making it generally human-friendly, but nevertheless very strong for mosquitoes. In addition to being able to have lavender as a plant in the garden or in pots to place them on the balcony or terrace, it can be used for make an oil which can then be applied to the skin.

In addition, lavender oil is not only good at repelling mosquitoes, but it also prevents skin irritation and helps nourish it.

Garlic spray

Making a garlic spray is also another of the most effective home remedies for mosquitoes. They should only be crush some garlic and these once crushed they boil in water. Let it cool down, and strain the liquid into a spray bottle, thus having the repellent ready to be sprayed around the house.


The smell of camphor is very effective to keep mosquitoes away. You can put a camphor tablet in a container with water and place them in the necessary points of the house. It should be replaced approximately every 2-3 days, since it loses its effectiveness.

Almond repellent

A good almond repellent is effective to apply on the skin and avoid stings. It is made with the following ingredients:

  • 100 ml of almond oil
  • 20 drops of basil essence
  • 20 drops of geranium essence

To make this home remedy for mosquitoes you only have to Mix all ingredients to create a homogeneous and very effective product against these insects. You can put it on your skin or apply it in the environment to protect your home. Really effective!

Vitamin B

The Vitamin B present in many foods such as lentils or almonds, make the body develop substances that are eliminated through urine or sweat that repels mosquitoes. In this way, you are less likely to be bitten by mosquitoes. Therefore, we recommend that increase the consumption of this vitamin in your diet and, thus, you will be able to give off a type of aroma that works as a natural anti-mosquito.

Trap with a bottle

East trick to catch mosquitoes It has been done for decades. It consists of the mixture of 200 milliliters of water, 1 gram of yeast and 50 grams of sugar, this mixture will be put into the bottle as follows:

  • The water is heated with the sugar, and this is left to cool in a plastic bottle that has been cut in half.
  • Once the water with the sugar has cooled, add the yeast, and without being mixed, put the neck of the bottle turned over to obtain it in the shape of a funnel. And it starts to generate CO2.
  • To finish the trap, the lower part of the bottle must be covered with a black cloth.

Transparent bags

This trick has been questioned on several occasions, however, it has been used for a lifetime. It consists of hanging next to doors and windows clear bags filled with water, is based on the theory that mosquitoes, like flies, see their own reflection in the bags, and flee scared thinking that it is a predator.

Mosquito nets

Another very old trick that is based on the placement of barriers on doors and windows so that mosquitoes cannot enter the house or bed, since there are also mosquito nets for the beds. These methods do not eliminate them, but keep them away. The mosquito nets can be made of wire mesh or curtain.

A fan

Something as easy and simple as turning on the fan is useful to reduce the presence of mosquitoes inside the house. The mosquitos they destabilize with the currents of air caused by the fan. Although it may seem an ineffective method, it has been advised by the American Mosquito Control Association.

More tips to avoid mosquito bites

Finally, we give you more tips so that mosquitoes do not bite you:

  • No lights to be left When lit with sunsets and windows open, mosquitoes are strongly attracted to light.
  • Pay attention to do not leave standing water, since mosquitoes flock to humid areas.
  • Opt for cosmetics and perfumes with Neutral or mint or citrus scents. Avoid those with sweet smells, which attract more mosquitoes.
  • If we know that we are going to a place where mosquitoes can easily be found, we should use long clothes to cover our skin to the maximum.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for mosquitoes, we recommend that you enter our category of natural remedies.

  • Natural repellants for mosquitoes. MD RCM UPR EDU. Available at: https://www.md.rcm.upr.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2016/09/REPELENTES-NATURALES-PARA-LOS-MOSQUITOS.pdf
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